Revolver Poll: Top 5 Melvins songs

Started by ))))((((, August 15, 2021, 03:28:50 PM

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I don't think any of us would agree with the five in this list but it's interesting regardless.

I never understand the appeal of 'Honey Bucket' myself. Not that it's a bad song but i wouldn't put it as one of the best 5 on Houdini let alone their whole discography.


Glad to see A History of Bad Men get the nod. Really just replace "Honey Bucket" with "Night Goat" and I'd be fine with it. I get the appeal of "Honey Bucket" as it's high-octane madness for the whole duration, perfect mosh song.

Speaking personally it's crazy how Houdini was the first Melvins I ever heard yet I'm just not that attached to it as albums before and after it. Still solid but there's several albums I like that much more.

dead mike

5. Air Breather
4. Roman Bird Dog
3. The Fool
2. Let It All Be
1. With Teeth

... wait, are we not doing this?
Can you all shut your damn cocks for one second? Music is the only thing that's real in this queef world of dildo ass chodes.

              - hemispheres


"Honey Bucket" is pretty awesome, though. The intro section is a song into itself. Could have been on 10Songs or GPT as an instrumental thrash tune. Instead it's the tightly constructed and rehearsed lead-up. Then when the song kicks in, it's just like you got out of this treacherous terrain and now you're speeding down the open highway at 3am. It's pretty much one groove from here on out but it never gets old. There's as much Judas Priest as Germs in it and the two have never sounded so good.

This Top 5 list is a bit Atlantic-heavy but I'm not mad at their choices.

My favorites might be these today:
"Let It All Be"
"Roman Dog Bird / Hung Bunny"
"Kicking Machine"
"We Are Doomed"


Night Goat
Honey Bucket
Civilized Worm


I honestly don't think i could pick 5 favourites. I know lots of songs should be in there and any i pick i will then remember others that deserve to be included. Having said that, i might go with these as my choices. All 5 for me would be hard to beat.

The Bloated Pope
The Fool, The Meddling Idiot
The Anti-Vermin Seed

Im tempted to say The Anti-Vermin Seed is my favourite Melvins song ever! It's one i've loved from first listen and go back to it fairly often. Such a bad ass way to end a record. I love that it is long and hypnotic, whilst Buzzo's lyrics and the way he sings on it are both REALLY good. Creepy and engaging. Also the ending is such a rush to listen to.


Mine would have to be

Honey Bucket
Gluey Porch Treatments
Skin Horse
Have you ever only eaten what's alive?


Quote from: Tobias on August 16, 2021, 06:04:00 PM
Mine would have to be

Honey Bucket
Gluey Porch Treatments
Skin Horse
For some reason I like Gluey Porch Treatments (song) the least on that album.  :?


i dunno if it's my favorite but 'revolve' is a song i will never, ever get tired of hearing. preferably at top volume.


The Bit
The Man With The Laughing Hand Is Dead
Let It All Be
Enchanted Thoughtfist (Enchanted Al Remix)
Shevil (my favourite Melvins song ever since it was released. too bad Buzz seemingly lost interest in writing these quiet brooding tracks...)
"Pop music is for sheep. And we are shepherds disguised as wolves."