Melvins Announcement

Started by black stallion, October 29, 2022, 05:57:23 AM

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Not sure I would call this a 'financially desperate' move given the Melvins have just done three tours this year and would've cleaned up financially in 2022. The reality is Buzz/the band love making money hence all those expensive frisbees they put out on AmRep limited to how many they can sell.


Doesn't seem desperate to me, I like pro-shot, pro-edited live shows. Hopefully a Blu-Ray in the future?
Also melvins is gay cuz some of their songs are just noise, i tell you this so you all don't buy albums and find out only one two songs is good on them.


I feel i must clarify that my initial response of "for fucks sake" wasn't directed at this video as such but more how it was announced. I felt deflated expecting some big, unexpected or super exciting news. Maybe even a new record! So to just find it was a stream of a live show from the recent tour felt very underwhelming. On the whole i like the idea but to say "special announcement" and then to just be that seemed a unnecessary and a little gimmicky.


At least it's not another cover album.  I also hate when bands say "special announcement coming" what good does that do? Just announce the damn thing 😅


Quote from: dirtmerchant on November 02, 2022, 09:19:14 PM
At least it's not another cover album.  I also hate when bands say "special announcement coming" what good does that do? Just announce the damn thing 😅

Building hype? It certainly worked with the folks on here.

Every business does this stuff sports teams will hype "big signing coming soon" and the next day announce some end of bench scrubber has signed on. I know it's not nice if you follow that team/band with the inevitable deflating reveal but they do it to try and cut through the noise and draw attention.

the bloat

It's called Marketing, people! The Melvins are a business. We buy their products, we follow their brand, they make money off of us. They can take my money all day long

vince furnier

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