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Colonel Cheese

and they gave away the bulls cd for FREE!
can't beat that!


Quote from: Colonel Cheese on April 03, 2023, 02:53:06 PM
and they gave away the bulls cd for FREE!
can't beat that!
Well, in the US they did! I'm guessing it was Scion A/V who footed the bill for putting that out and not the band.

Colonel Cheese

you're right i'm sure, i remember it being a promo, always wanted the haze or mackie (whichever i don't remember) art edition of that one but never was able to get one. but yeah, less than one day and the limited to 500 editions are GONE


Yep, but those Scion CDs were burned with 2 second gaps!

I own one and still have a sealed extra. I had flipped one or two as I found them in clearance bins throughout the city before Amazon started being dicks about third party sellers. Oh well, not like it really made me money or anything. Here I go rambling, sorry, the topic was re-releases? I wouldn't mind a MLVNSvsMPLS vinyl set. Always loved the look of that package. Think it was only ever CDs, correct me if I'm wrong.


Quote from: ))))(((( on April 03, 2023, 02:45:00 PM
Quote from: buddy holiday on April 03, 2023, 02:40:32 PM
Quote from: ))))(((( on April 03, 2023, 01:58:30 PM
Are these 3 releases the only Melvins records that had never got a vinyl release previously? Are there any other ones?

COD is not on vinyl.

Bulls and bees and electroretard were previously available on vinyl.
Also, the songs from tres cabrones were released on various vinyl singles and eps.
Houdini live 2005 is a vinyl first.
Ah, i guess Colossus... would be the eventual holy grail of Melvins vinyl should it ever appear! I hope they do that at some point. Darn i had forgot that Bulls and Electro were both released separately. Ipecac sneakily suggesting it never appeared before which i suppose technically they didn't TOGETHER.

Bulls & Electro was originally supposed to be released on vinyl back around when the CD reissue came out but didn't happen until now for whatever reason.

Stoked about all three of these reissues to be honest, especially Tres Cabrones. I really like that record and having to listen to it through like six different releases on vinyl is pretty awkward.

A proper Crybaby 2LP might make some Melvins fans happy. Not me but I'd imagine some diehards would be stoked about that.

vince furnier

but wait! they're not done yet!  :lol:

Welcome to my Nightmare!

Israeli billionaire dies during penis enlargement surgery

the bloat

Houdini Live will be cool! Love that one. Kinda strange that they're releasing Electroretard on vinyl again. Maybe the last reissue was too limited?


Quote from: the bloat on April 03, 2023, 11:06:56 PM
Houdini Live will be cool! Love that one. Kinda strange that they're releasing Electroretard on vinyl again. Maybe the last reissue was too limited?

It's the 2015 Ipecac re-issue double with The Bulls & The Bees that is being released on vinyl for the first time.


Kind of funny since it'll have to be a double album. Bulls and Bees might barely fit on one LP side but with a sacrifice in playability or even some editing for time. Electroretard is 40 minutes even after they chop shit storm down to an hour.

So conceivably we will see some Mackie tour versions of each record individually which excites me a bit. Especially since I adore Bulls & Bees


I meant a minute * not an hour but I'm letting it stand. One minute feels like an hour anyway.

the bloat

I nabbed of the copy of the limited Houdini and Tres Cabrones on Blixt last night! Sorry, but I can't get behind the idea of combining Electroretard and Bulls. Two different eras, different players, different vibes. Just seems random to combine the two


Quote from: the bloat on April 04, 2023, 09:11:03 PM
I nabbed of the copy of the limited Houdini and Tres Cabrones on Blixt last night! Sorry, but I can't get behind the idea of combining Electroretard and Bulls. Two different eras, different players, different vibes. Just seems random to combine the two

I agree it is a pretty bizarre pairing but obviously the rights to the masters of both reverted back to the band then licenced it to Ipecac who no doubt couldn't see the financial justification of re-releasing them both individually and just slapped them on the same disc together, in reverse order of when they were released too.


Yeah it's an odd pairing. Also it's really three eras of the band since that Tipping and parts of Shit storm go back to the Mark D days. It makes sense to me, though. Or about as much sense as Love and Death.

I just wish they'd cobble together a Singles style release of all the awesome non album stuff especially the vinyl only stuff. They could name it something about dogs if that makes them happy.

Melvins - Shaking Dogs - 2CD, 3 LP, or thirteen 7" limited box set

I Can't Shake It
Pink Floyd / Blondie cover
Buick McCain
Paraquat Plus
Starve Already
Butcher Town
Hamburger Lady
Walking Crazy
Love Canal
I'm Here
cartoon songs
Sabbath covers
Fick Fader
Zeppelin/Devo cover
Rocket Reducer
Instant Larry
Anal Satan
Pussy Galore cover

Sure I'm missing quite a few still but you get the point. Wouldn't we all shell out for the ltd vinyl of this?


As far as those vinyl reissues go I snagged Tres Cabrones and Live Houdini. The 12-page booklets imply more Buzzo liner notes and I'd love to read more stories on these records. What he wrote on GPT, HAT and Senile Animal were all fun reads.

Dumpster D

I didn't read the liner notes on HAT and Senile animal, could anyone here please post those up if possible?