Useless melvins fact of the day

Started by dead mike, January 06, 2023, 02:36:39 PM

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I wonder if the same people that burn cassettes, listen to vinyls?  :-k

#2 Pencil

I heard their periods attract bears


John Schuller

Quote from: PepsiMike on January 06, 2024, 12:53:11 PM
I wonder if the same people that burn cassettes, listen to vinyls?  :-k

After they go shopping for new vinyls they sure do!!!! hahahaha!

Dumpster D

Mount Ambulance

Wasn't sure where to post? No thread seemed tailored enough and this one seems the best option. So, I was listening to a recent podcast with Eugene Robinson (Oxbow/Buñuel) and he was at one point talking 'bout how musicians don't make any money and how most these days also work outside of music. He gave some examples such as himself (writer), Steve Von Till (teacher), and Buzz ... professional gardener ?! Eug said he was doing some for mutual pal Allan MacDonell (author/Hustler Mag). Huh, weird.

Don't have any other insight but here's a old article of Buzz interviewing Allan ... pretty sure I posted this way back but here it is again. Good read as are Allan's books.

black stallion

funny but I don't think Buzz needs a job outside music, considering the massive touring he does every year. maybe he can do something like that when not touring. btw Let God Be Your Gardener immediately came to mind

Dumpster D