Need advice. Selling my Atlantic years (2016 Haze art) vinyl

Started by dwr budr, January 25, 2023, 08:33:52 PM

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dwr budr

I've been mulling it over and for reasons (a lot of ins and a lot of outs) I'm going to sell off my Melvins vinyl. All unused and unopened. Most of it purchased at Grumpy's (RIP...seriously wtf... sad world sometimes) and I need a little help with pricing. I can easily see what people are asking on Discogs, eBay etc... and holy shit. Holy shit it's expensive. Yeah, I've been living in a hole and dropped out of collecting a while ago and I'm floored at how expensive shit is.'s tempting to ask for "going rates" but goddamnit if I don't feel like I'm a fucking con if I do. Take my Atlantic year 2016 reissues for example. Unused, unopened..immaculate condition. I think they were $100 each originally. That ain't what they go for now. By a damn sight. What's the right thing to do? Stick to what I paid or go a little greedy (but not too greedy)?

P.s. if i posted in the wrong area i apologize.

What I'll be selling:
Atlantic Years (2016 Haze art, all 3)
Tribute to David Bowie (Clown 7")
Tribute to Queen (Clown 7")
Melvins/Helmet 2013 Invasion 7")
Melvins - War Pussy
Melvins - Live at 3rd Man Records
Melvins -  Sugar Daddy King Buzzo 12"
Melvins - Sugar Daddy 1983 12"
Melvins - Sugar Daddy Karp 12" (where's the goddamn Karp box set already??)
Melvins - A Bride Screamed Murder no. 35/50 special show addition. Autographed and mine says "awesome pawsome" 2x LP. So cool....

Big Business box set (vinyl LPs)
Big Biz - Battlefields Forever
Hew Time LP
Hew Time - Seconds

A Bunch of Letterpress CDs as well...

von grip

Dam I kinda wanna call dibs on ur big biz box set- pm anytime- as to your questions, concerns i bet  a lot of peeps on the boards prob totally understand that you dont wanna gouge tf outta buyers but still be able to turn a small profit just really for the limited nature of most of the items and the work and expense on your part to be online or in-line at a shows merch line early to get a item or multiple items so to answer your q id say add on at least 50 to og price which to me seems like a reasonably fair markup and not total gouging- changing the markup amt based on the demand, edition size  for each  title
"im ol' south!" -wf (2009)


Listen to me when I tell you, get the most you can.
You're obviously a fan, you didn't buy these to flip for more money.
Don't cheat yourself.

Haze Houdini - at least $300
Haze stag - at least $250
Haze stoner - 200
David Bowie - 40 (tri colors go for more)
Queen- 40
Melvins/helmet - 40
War pussy - 80 (tri color is more)
3rd man - reg version 20
Sugar daddies - at least 40
Bride scream /50 yellow scribble cover - 250

Letterpress cds - at least 40

That's 1340, minus around 15% for fees (eBay), equals 1139, not including packing supplies, cds or big biz stuff.

Do not short yourself.


Check   You can actually search sold listings. You'll be able to see what people are actually paying for the stuff.

Colonel Cheese

Quote from: dwr budr on January 25, 2023, 08:33:52 PM
I've been mulling it over and for reasons (a lot of ins and a lot of outs)
a lot of what have yous

dwr budr

The Dude abides. A lot of the bullshit I say is ripped off from movies.

dwr budr

Thank you guys..endlessly...for your feedback. And that math..thanks, man!


Split the difference: IF you have a personal relationship or have some assurance that these are going to a specific Melvins fan through a personal sale, and it will make you feel good knowing they are going to an appreciative home and you aren't gouging, sell at cost.

If it's just going onto the marketplace, make your profit. These are collector's items and the creators knew that these would be rare and valuable to collectors who will pay above cost.
Also melvins is gay cuz some of their songs are just noise, i tell you this so you all don't buy albums and find out only one two songs is good on them.