PORN w/ Dale Crover - Live Radio Broadcast and show ALTAMONT

Started by Porn, December 15, 2004, 02:27:27 AM

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You've got that right, the link is down. I thought it was my crappy computer giving me grief again!
"I actually checked to make sure I wasn't posting balls."  (IDLEHANZ)

".PS: please,  allow me to reitterate...  dale crover = super human " (GLEN)

"If the world is going to end on Saturday I might as well hold in my shit and save a few bucks on Shit-Paper." (GRIM)

ANACONDA:   All-around genuine motherfucker.

Green Honey


That would be nice. Guess it would have to be someone in Berkely though.




dont have anything to trade but i really want to hear that show
Light observer


Quote from: Porn on December 15, 2004, 02:27:27 AM
For Immediate Release

--- December 14th 2004 ---

Direct Link --

-- Upcoming Live Concert and rare Radio in-studio performance --

Porn is:
Billy Anderson: Bass, Piano, Organ, Backing Vocals
Dale Crover: Drums, Tympani
Tim Moss: Guitars, Pedal steel, Effects, Vocals

Resident guitar genius Tim Moss  is joined by Dale Crover (Melvins/Nirvana) and Billy Anderson (Legendary Producer/Enginear of Neurosis, Mr. Bungle, Fantomas, Crisis, Sleep, Orange Goblin, Cathedral)

Enough said right there.  A Legendary line-up indeed.

Upcoming Events;

Dec 16th

This link is definitely dead!  I'm confused.  Did someone get a recording or know where the replay/ stream might be stored?
Al que está vivo todo le falta y al que está muerto todo le sobra.