Dale Crover - Glossolalia out Sept.13

Started by black stallion, June 12, 2024, 10:06:44 AM

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black stallion

i mean in this one he looks "english"...reminds a bit of a young Paul Weller  :)


Mount Ambulance

Quote from: black stallion on September 15, 2024, 10:41:35 AMi mean in this one he looks "english"...reminds a bit of a young Paul Weller  :)

in this one he looks like he about to put start fixing that bike there.


Quote from: Mount Ambulance on September 15, 2024, 10:59:08 AMin this one he looks like he about to put start fixing that bike there.
He's starting to morph into Steve Turner.

Dumpster D

Cartoony Death riding a 70's 50cc mini bike rules.

the bloat

One listen in so far. It's a tight little garage rock record. The special guests add some fun nuances to each track

Hot Pants

im listening right now for the first time. it's fun.

how the hell did Dale get Waits involved? (even tho it seems like hes only on the song for 5 seconds)

Quote from: black stallion on September 15, 2024, 10:41:35 AMi mean in this one he looks "english"...reminds a bit of a young Paul Weller  :)

i love this so much.
the place where i sleep is cold and abandoned
you can't even fathom a hole being dug so deep


In one of the recent interviews (Vinyl Guide?) Dale explained that someone on Toshi's side has a connection to Waits through a manager or publicist in the family. So it's some good old nepotistic backdooring. They didn't want to ask for much and still thought this was a shot in the dark.

black stallion

haven't bought/properly listened to this album yet  :o

Chief Ten Beers

Have the CD. Great stuff. More melodic songs that could be vehicles for great live jams, more than what's on the last two solo outings. Rings comes to mind as one of the top tracks IMO.


"Rings" is definitely a winner. These are good songs.

There's a few guitar solos on here that are really dope. I need to check the credits because it doesn't sound like Dale's lead style. But they sit perfectly in the songs and they bring the whole album up a notch.

The thing that again drives me crazy is the drum sound. The snare, the kick, and the toms all have this dull plop plop sound. It's the worst on the snare. The crack of it is too thin and the the body of it just has this horrid shape. Not a surprise, it's been the sound of Toshi's studio for a decade. But I think it's more pronounced on here than on the last Dale record. You never hear this sound on the live recordings of the same songs. Dale hasn't chosen deflated tire drums or anything. It's somewhere in the engineering or mixing. Please, Toshi, I'm begging you, fix this for the next one!

black stallion

i can see what you mean about drum sound