Most extreme Melvins songs?

Started by Binkard and Friends, December 27, 2004, 08:35:50 PM

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Quote from: groundmeat
Quote from: turnacusAnd lo Turnacus cired "hast we forsaken Collousos of Destiny"

Hmmm... COD can be very spooky at the right times, and just plain irritatiing otherwise - but it doesn;t sound like soundtrack to sawing people's limbs off like Charmicarmicat does :twisted:
oooh, i just love sawing people's limbs off! :D
"Mess with the best, trolled like the rest." - Jacket Man.


Quote from: FART LIPSoooh, i just love sawing people's limbs off! :D

Yup, keeps you regular and makes you virile (or so I've been told)  8)

Reverend Ebeneezer

Quote from: popeyeIt was those shows i saw back in dec.-92  -  jan.-93.  An evening with the melvins - 2 sets - Lorax on Bass.  Wow!  whatever they were playing  it was like nodding out on a Phat hit of Smak (maybe?  cuz  actually  i've never done that part - the nodding out - well..., maybe once or twice - by accident)  so anyway that's how sludgey it was.

That's perhaps not too surprising as Buzz and Lorax would've been using around that sort of time...
Don't cut me!DON'T CUT ME!
-Thrones, Simon Legree live...


most of their early songs. Im loving the "26 songs" version of at a crawl at the moment, and also #2 a pencil, and the other one (i cant remember the name) where buzz shouts "NEVVERRR!!!!!!!", very simmilar to echo head/dont peice me.
