Evaporators opening For the Melvins?

Started by GrimReaper, December 30, 2004, 08:37:15 AM

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Nardwuar's band the Evaporators will open for the Melvins Friday. Excellent band and a great show. I just can't picture them on a Melvins bill. Nardwuar usually takes all his clothes off and mixes with the audiance. What do you think of the Friday night line up?

I'm glad Melvins expose me to a lot of cool bands. Totimoshi, Isis, Fitz of Depression to name a few.



I didn't realize how popular they were until I moved to Canada.
This guy Nardwuar is a friggin legend up here. unbelievably so.


they remind me a little of Couch Flambeau, who are legendary in their own right.

Beauty is a Rare Thing - Ornette Coleman


They were good!  nice Grind.  what did you think of the makers set?


I was totally wrong on this one, the Evaporators worked out well.

This is because the Seattle shows highlighted Jello Biafra. Not a single Melvins song played.

Nardwuar is a hairy little fuck, and a great showman. He crowd surfed with is keyboard, unbelievable.

Before every song he said.. "This next song is.."


I was impressed with the evaporators.  Excellent music - that band was kicking it.  nardwar is a strange little fuk - 5' -4", 120 # tops.  That was so Bizarre when he was crowd surfing with that old relic keyboard of his.
 the Guitar -Bass-Drums were excellent - like i said - nice Grind.
  i liked the makers too - i don't think those guys are fags at all.  They do have one Little problem, a problem so many bands have, mysteriously some of their songs which are Rocking Along quite fine suddenly go Dead in spots, it's the normal type of change you find in most songs (Verse - Chorus - Bridge)  but Dood - you don't let your songs fall flat on their faces, it makes the discerning audience shudder.  they kinda remind me of Post Stardom Depression which is one of my favo local bands along with kinski.


The Evaporators are great, thoughg I haven't seen them live.

For those unfamiliar, check out;
http://theevaporators.com/  - with MP3s


You are right, Nardwuar kicks ass! They played a really great and bizarre show on New Years. The audio interviews on Narwuar.com are hilarious. I hear he was out of control at the super secret in store on New Year's day, and was F-ing around with Jello afterwards.
"I actually checked to make sure I wasn't posting balls."  (IDLEHANZ)

".PS: please,  allow me to reitterate...  dale crover = super human " (GLEN)

"If the world is going to end on Saturday I might as well hold in my shit and save a few bucks on Shit-Paper." (GRIM)

ANACONDA:   All-around genuine motherfucker.


That must a been "Quite" a show.  Sounds hilarious - at least those guys are still having fun with it all.