12/31/04 Seattle Jaded Drunks Show

Started by Michael, January 01, 2005, 01:38:06 PM

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The second show at Neumo's in Seattle celebrating the demise of 2004 was identical in set, which I may be able to recall from memory.  Here goes nothing:

McGruff the Crime Dog
When You Get Drafted
California Uber Alles (2004 lyrics)
Yuppie Cadillac
Voted Off the Island
Life Sentence
The Owl
Islamic Bomb
Enchanted Thoughtfist
Dawn of the Locusts
Lessons in What Not to Become
The Lighter Side of Global Terrorism
Holiday in Cambodia
Moon Over Marin

Okay, so the first four songs are in the right order as are the last three.  I am sure that I am missing something and the middle is all jumbled up; but that's the set in a nutshell.  The set was much noisier than the show the night before.  Dave Scott Stone was rubbing his guitar cord around before plugging it in making prickly noises during the intro for "Plethysmograph".  They also did at least three extended feedback segments in between songs.  

In the latter half of the set Dale had a drum mic problem and while waiting to get it fixed, Buzz started to play the riff from "Day Tripper" over and over while Jello ranted about the corporate bottled water that he was squirting on the audience.  It was funny because throughout the night I noticed certain people getting really mad at what Jello was saying.  I am not trying to start a thread about his politics and whether or not you or I agree with them (there are at least three going as we speak) but people were getting offended over the strangest things.  Particularily his new lyrics to "California Uber Alles" citing Schwarzenegger, Bush and Enron; and during his rant preceding "the Lighter Side of Global Terrorism".  The girl in front of me was shouting "fuck you!" and giving Jello the finger presumably because he was talking about how perverse and fucked up it is for security checkpoints to invade your privacy and fondle your privates which I thought was weird because there was an awful lot of misogynistic assholes leering and sometimes groping girls at this show.  I much preferred the younger, albeit more confused crowd the night before.  Obviously these people could have been annoyed at Jello's banter for other reasons but I don't think that was the case.

The highlight of the night overall was Mr. Dale Crover, who was on fire.  For the "Never Breathe.." songs he has been playing much simpler, more straightforward punk stuff than he does on a typical Melvins song, but last night he was going off.  He also came out from behind his drumset when Jello did his dramatic fall during "the Owl" and with Dave Scott Stone he jokingly kicked Jello and mockingly conquered him.  Before "Islamic Bomb" when Jello introduced the band, Dale said the quote of the night: "And this is our stand-up singer, Jello Biafra.  He wrote this next song with his mouth."  Later in the set Dale said that "Enchanted Thoughtfist" is his favorite song which I wholeheartedly agree with.  I have now seen the Melvins more times than years I have lived.

Another update after the next show.........

How mysterious.


Thanks so much for the Great and informative review and Especially thanks for the Set list .  happy new ayear to you amigo and to all the melvins Army spread out across the universe!


I got kicked out of the show last night because "I was intimidating" the melvins??




Were you the dude that was jerked from the crowd onto the stage, spun around and made an exit stage left with the bouncer? I didn't see what you did. He actually said you were intimidating? If that was you pulled onto the stage it looked like the bouncer was stalking you before he pounced!
"I actually checked to make sure I wasn't posting balls."  (IDLEHANZ)

".PS: please,  allow me to reitterate...  dale crover = super human " (GLEN)

"If the world is going to end on Saturday I might as well hold in my shit and save a few bucks on Shit-Paper." (GRIM)

ANACONDA:   All-around genuine motherfucker.

Huey P. Newton

Ahahhaha, how can you honestly act like a jerk at a Melvins show?



The Evaporators set from this show. Nudwar is a hairy little fellow.


Jaded Drunks is the venue? The band? I'm confused.  :?
Looks like a review for the Jelvins. Which I didn't even try to go see.  ](*,)
"Get off of our stage. If you want on this stage, get in show business." -King Buzzo
"Yeah, we don't come in the 7-11 where you work and get up on the counter." -Mark D