10/04/2005 Koko London, UK w/ Trevor Dunn on bass for ATP

Started by musefreek, October 05, 2005, 03:41:21 AM

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it was a classic night last night. i feel pretty priviledged to have heard all those songs. they played sacrifice from lysol afterwards which sounded great. they even did spread eagle beagle and pearl bomb.

what did you guys think of part chimp? they blew the roof of the place and I loved them. managed to speak to the drummer afterwards. also liked deerhoof and bought one of their cds. kinda freeform arty pop stuff.

more later...


It was indeed a fantastic show. First time i've seen em play Honey Bucket, that was great!  I had to leave for the train halfway through Sacrifice...what else did they play?


you didn't miss much. sacrifice went on for ages then they played a song i didn't recognize. must've been a cover or something.

how grey is the king?!!! it in no way reflects his rockability though. right?!

did you like part chimp?

i had an AWESOME view. i was standing on the first level balcony so could see every magical move.

Reverend Ebeneezer

What a show is right, guys! Goddamn, gig of my lifetime methinks...yeah, Part Chimp were cool - need to check out more of their stuff and my flatmate and me both dug Deerhoof, although it was a shame that they only sorted the vocals out halfway through their set, eh? Didn't Deerhoof's drummer look a lot like Kevin, too? When he was gurning at some point it looked like it might well have been Kev circa '99.

Anyhow, the Melvins were awesome. I was right down the front right in front of King Buzzo (if anyone noticed I was the hairy fucker chucking my locks about right in front of the King) so talk about prime location. I'd been banging on all day to my friend about how they weren't going to do Pearl Bomb so it was a nice surprise when they opened their set with it, or at least the riff from it. They launched into Hooch, which slew and Night Goat which, being my favourite song of all time made me come close to orgasm. It was awesome to hear Lizzy, Goin' Blind and Copache live sounding just thst little bit more impressive than on record. Oh, by the by, anyone notice at the onset of Joan of Arc Dale substituted "you knuckledheads" for "you chilly-choking pepper-bellies"? Cheech and Chong quote! Yay! And that version of Sky Pup!!! Fucking hell, they need to re-record that song that way...Oh, it was all so good, but tragedy of tragedies I had to leave during Spread Eagle because of the unbelievably early last train home. Mind you, it meant that I could get a bootleg t-shirt from the street vendors before they ran out, which I'm proudly sporting today.

I seriously think that only another show by the Melvins could come anywhere close to topping last night in my book. For good measure, I'll close this slightly tired and random series of rants by posting the setlist as I best remember it...*NB, now I've started typing it's dawned on me that I can't actually remember the exact order of proceedings, but I'll give it my best

Pearl Bomb
Night Goat
Goin' Blind
Joan of Arc
Set Me Straight
Sky Pup
*cover, might've been Rocket Reducer, something I didn't recognise straight off the bat*
Honey Bucket
Hag Me
Spread Eagle Beagle

And then I guess, Sacrifice which I wish I'd seen but didn't...
Don't cut me!DON'T CUT ME!
-Thrones, Simon Legree live...


Musefreek:  yeah Buzzo was awesome, as always!


aaaaaaaaaaaaah, i hate myself for not being there!!!!!!!!!!!1

Reverend Ebeneezer

Don't cut me!DON'T CUT ME!
-Thrones, Simon Legree live...


I was directly in front of trevor, next to some shirtless long hair dude.  I have to say that the crowd was much nicer than at the recent dinosaur and mudhoney shows...less annoying crowd surfers as well. 

Reverend Ebeneezer

Don't cut me!DON'T CUT ME!
-Thrones, Simon Legree live...


rev - good on you for wanting to check out part chimp. they def won't disappoint. they only have two albums out which can be quite hard getting ahold of. i suggest getting the first, then second. they're also releasing a split with todd which is going to be simply mad. both bands are so heavy...

i thought the drum sound was pretty amazing last night. the snare sounded so dry and crispy.




it was lovely. did anyone else other than me and my friends get asked by some woman outside what questions we'd like to ask the melvins for an interview? And do you think it was legit or just some weirdo? my moneys or weirdo.

falsehood claws

This was without doubt one of the best gigs I've seen in recent years. My first time seeing Melvins and I'm glad I got to witness such a special event too. The sound was incredible, especially - as has been pointed out - the drums. Sounded like an army of drummers in those intros!

My only complaint was that the Melvins set started too late (around 22.10) and meant I had to split during Hag Me to make my coach. In my experience, gigs in Camden usually end earlier than most so people can get home in time. Did they cover the MC5 as that setlist states? Would have loved to have seen that...

Anyway, fantastic gig and worth all the travel and sleep deprivation it took to be there.


did anyone record this show? either audio or visual (ooo nerdy) I'd give my arm for it. My good arm at that.

Reverend Ebeneezer

Someone, presumably with the band was videoing the whole show...maybe boots'll show up one day from it.
Don't cut me!DON'T CUT ME!
-Thrones, Simon Legree live...