Started by Vcavallo, October 20, 2005, 07:05:51 PM

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Quote from: WithEvilTeeth on October 21, 2005, 02:39:23 AM

Alright then! Vinnie, try and say INDEEEEEEEEEEEEEED after every confirming answer.


congratulations Vinnie!! I hope you keep it together because I will totally lose it in front those guys.

i'd like to know whether there are any plans to rerelease bulllhead.

um, that's all i can think of for now as everyone else has covered all my questions.

good luck!!


I realize I am going WAAAY out on a limb here in quoting the once famous luther campbell of 2 LIVE CREW fame (apologies) but:


yeah, I know how bad that is,   but it HAD to be said, for vin's sake.
"Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care." - Richie Goodtimes

Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care.

Green Honey

you could ask them how they feel about how people post melvins "lyrics and guitar tablature" all over the internet...do they mind?


Quote from: musefreek on October 21, 2005, 04:18:44 AM
congratulations Vinnie!! I hope you keep it together because I will totally lose it in front those guys.

i'd like to know whether there are any plans to rerelease bulllhead.

Why would they do that? Or did you perhaps already explain yourself in some 'bad produced albums' thread before?

Joe Deutrom

Ask them if they could release all their released but rare, hard to find stuff on a single CD.


alright.  i'm finally re-posting about this.  i have been totally out of sorts these past 12 hours. 
kurdt you were right, i couldn't get to sleep at all last night, it was hilarious (to myself).

thanks for all the advice everyone, i am going to try to ask as many of your questions as i can.  i wish i could take you all with me!!! nobody deserves this more than anyone else.  we are all fans and should be able to have this opportunity. if i had a big enougn trunk, you'd all be there in that room with me. 

some are curious, so i'll explain:  my roommate and his (our) friend are on the exec. board at our college radio station, WRUV.  basically this means all they have to do is have a show once a week and go to meetings sometimes, and then reap incredible rewards.  our mutal friend emailed tim (not moss), their promoter about getting on the guest list because of the radio station.  that's all she wrote.  he writes back a few days later (yesterday) with: "you are on the guest list and i have set up an interview.  be there at 6pm and ask for tim moss". 

!!  it was out of nowhere! it was entirely his suggestion.  confusing.  maybe someone here knows more about promoting than i do.  why would this guy suggest an interview with a radio station in northern vermont?  they are considered a "core station" so i guess that means something... to fully honor the band i am going to video tape it, transcribe it, and try to get it out as much as possible.  i'll send the transcript to the school newspaper, my website, and any others that'll take it, and send the video to our TV channel.

i've got a barrage of questions worked out, and i plan to take some time towards the end to present myself as a sort of ambassador to the melvins-fan community.  i'll ask him if there is anything he would like to say or ask to the largest group of his fans concentrated in one place. 

my mind is wholly blown.  i haven't been able to think straight.  i've got a math exam in a half hour and there is a good chance i am going to be taking the derviative of f ' (MELVINS) and scribbling questions to remember to ask all over the paper.

i do plan to ask questions about the board.  like what they know about it and if they ever go on it.  it sounds goofy, but this really is an important place.  it is home to scores and scores of their fans, and that's not something to scoff at.

i don't think they've ever been interviewed by a fan-boy such as myself.  it should be quite an experience for them, that is if i can attempt some sort of communication through stutters and constant explosive shitting.

and of course, i am going to bring cracker barrel cheese....... :o :shock:

tomorrow i will try to post as much as i can about the night, including pictures, and i will get the video and transcript up as quick as possible also.  my sisters are visiting this weekend and i have a lot of work to do, but i'll try my best.
dear diary:  don't tell anyone this secret because they may laugh at me.  you are the only one i can trust, diary.  i think i may ask buzz and dale to sign my arm very small underneathe my tattoo, and then go to a tattoo parlor and have them trace over it.  this may be a very important night of my life, and recording it would make as much sense as putting GPT on my shoulder. 
don't tell!
Vinney "only takes 15 years to make good on his promises" Cavallo


cool man :D

ask about lori too i'd like to know what she does nowadays (unless she actually is dead)
and ask em if they read this board


Quote from: zium on October 21, 2005, 10:28:26 AM
and ask em if they read this board

Maybe they do read this board and that's what they call 'being busy'.


Vinny said; " i think i may ask buzz and dale to sign my arm very small underneathe
my tattoo, and then go to a tattoo parlor and have them trace over it."

If you do nothing else with this opportunity, at least do that!


Vinnie, what if Buzzo signs it

"Vinnie's gay
King Buzzo"

Would you tattoo that as well?


hahha, that's a real good question maarten...i don't think i can have an answer till i'm forced to.  i'd probably omit that....who knows?

i'd be curious about lori, but at the same time, i don't want to stir any "negative vibes" so to speak.
i am also curious about what they do in their immense amounts of non-touring, non-writing time.
i'm going to ask if the core band of dale and buzz have written any new songs since HAT.  if they say no i'll cry right then and there.
Vinney "only takes 15 years to make good on his promises" Cavallo


Could you ask Dale if he knows anything about a new Nirvana compliation featuring a track from the Fecal Matter demos that's coming up? I believe Dale and some other guy are the only ones with a copy of the Fecal Mettar recordings.


This is great. You are probably on the road by now but good luck!