Case study on jello and the melvins [part 2]. PLEASE VOTE

Started by Vcavallo, October 18, 2005, 07:59:53 AM

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To find out whether or not being a DK fan past or present has any effect on how an individual receives the jelvins album, i'd appreciate it if everyone participated in this.  you too, lurkers.  

i am/was a listener/enjoyer of DK and i like -- strongly like NEVER BREATHE WHAT YOU CAN'T SEE
i am/was a lister/enjoyer of DK and i dislike -- strongly dislike NEVER BREATHE WHAT YOU CAN'T SEE
i am/was a listener/enjoyer of DK and i neither like, nor dislike NEVER BREATHE WHAT YOU CAN'T SEE
i am not/never was a listener/enjoyer of DK and i like -- strongly like NEVER BREATHE WHAT YOU CAN'T SEE
i am not/never was a lister/enjoyer of DK and i dislike -- strongly dislike NEVER BREATHE WHAT YOU CAN'T SEE
i am not/never was a listener of DK and i neither like, nor dislike NEVER BREATHE WHAT YOU CAN'T SEE
i am a melvins fan and past/present listener of DK and i have not listened to the album
i am a melvins fan and not/never have been a listener of DK and haven't listened to the album


part two of the poll, to see if there is an difference between the two albums or if people feel a certain way about the "band" consistently.
thanks for participating part 1
Vinney "only takes 15 years to make good on his promises" Cavallo

rhett E rock

just my opinion, but i think these two albums are pretty much the same.  maybe even to the point to where they belong on the same poll. 

but hey, wait to be thorough(sp?) Vinney.


thanks rhett.  i see your point, however i feel VERY different about the two albums, so i figured there may be others that feel the same as i.  i guess we'll see when the final results are in.
Vinney "only takes 15 years to make good on his promises" Cavallo

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