Started by Marilyn, October 24, 2003, 02:18:16 PM

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he said that about the Mark D era too, and it's clearly not true.
Maybe thats why they were going thru bassists like underwear
for a while there. lack of credit so to speak. :?:


although i would never dispute that buzz arranged and
fleshed out joes initial rudimentary bass lines. even joe
has admitted that. but he wrote alot of the core grooves.
half the songs start with him all by himself for a reason!


Don't laugh. I've had contact with Joe? through email very sporadically. I asked him.


Joe is very talented. Thrones is proof of this! He's not too
lazy to completely program all the damn drum tracks,
which plays his amazing cascade of demon noise over.


Anaconda's right, just listen to Thrones 'Oso Malo'. I do a lot of programming and it still amazes me everytime how much effort Joe has put into each and everyone of his songs.

Joe Deutrom

There is very little artwork to Lysol. The inlay just has a picture of some roses. It has an indian looking up toward the sky while on a horse. No credible info such as song titles is found, just their names; with Joe's name prominently featured in a gigantic font.

I like the album, but I would have liked it better if the songs were divided rather than just one big track. The CD artwork just repeats the roses motif featured on the inlay. Does any one here have the original Lysol CD with the title Lysol on the cover? Is the artwork any different?  


i have the original, its the same :)
i don't have a square to spare. can't spare a square.

Metalhead Cow

Hey guys. it came today! I haven't listened to it yet. In fact, I'm probally going to go listen to it by the next ten minutes.

Metalhead Cow

I listened to it yesterday. I already knew all the songs beforehand, but wasn't hugely impressed, but I'm going to listen to it again tonight.

Reverend Ebeneezer

Quote from: Metalhead CowI listened to it yesterday. I already knew all the songs beforehand, but wasn't hugely impressed, but I'm going to listen to it again tonight.

Make sure when you do, whack it on at full volume and then wait for the transition of Hung Bunny into Roman Bird Dog...that's heaviness. Plus, With Teeth's possibly the best thing they've ever written!

Still, I'm with you on not really digging the covers. 'Sacrifice' is pretty cool but Dwight Fry's a bit pish...
Don't cut me!DON'T CUT ME!
-Thrones, Simon Legree live...


Dwight Fry is great cause I know With Teeth is around the corner!

Metalhead Cow

I knew all the songs beforehand, and acctually liked them all, but it just didn't really strike me that much when I listened to the album for some reason. I've only listened to it once though, and I'm definetely listening to it later today (and this time I mean it! :P ).


excellent man :) i nought ozma/gpt a while ago, i still didn't have the original, i felt guilty for not owning those excellent albums, gluey porch treatments has one of the fattest productions ever


maybe someone already asked this a few years ago:

who produced lysol?

this great drum sound is ans will ever will be amazing!


Recorded by Jonathon Burnside.
Also melvins is gay cuz some of their songs are just noise, i tell you this so you all don't buy albums and find out only one two songs is good on them.