discography: night goat cd single

Started by noctrun, November 30, 2003, 11:42:43 AM

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there is a cd version of the night goat single, mine reads ARRCD29/189 LC8323

the cd case is pure paper that tries to mimic the case of the 7" the only difference of the artwork is the address and logo on the back is covered by a black background holding the address of amprep germany on the left, amprep 'noise' logo and a barcode on the right, the cd itself is black and it's labeled in a light blue/grey, I would scan it and post a pic but I don't own a scanner
Mark T.


Quote from: noctrunthere is a cd version of the night goat single, mine reads ARRCD29/189 LC8323

really? i am waiting for my copy on record from ebay.