Did thee Melvins ever do a Stooges cover?

Started by Andy, February 03, 2008, 08:49:08 AM

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I'm sure I remember they did one at one point. Maybe Down on the Street? It could be from a live bootleg or something.

Any information (or sound ;) ) would be much appreciated.
For your health!


indeed they did:


(loose 1985)


(down on the street 1990, just a little jam but a nice version of zodiac 8)


Legend! Thanks very much! Dale does a pretty good Iggy impression on the chorus of 'Loose'. Is that Lukin singing the verses? Hard to tell.

Sort of on-topic, I heard the original Jerkin Crocus this week and it isn't anywhere near as good as the Melvins version. Previously i'd thought 'I know why they've chosen this song, cos of the weird bit at the end and the whispered chorus', but it was in fact Dale y Buzzo that had put those bits into the song. The original is pretty boring.
For your health!


bathroom creep

Yeah, these sound very cool.  Danke!

Quote from: Andy on February 03, 2008, 11:38:41 AM
Is that Lukin singing the verses? Hard to tell.
hmm, I think it's Buzz

Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt.

Centripetal core of soul sojourn the field vibrates to absolution. I climb toward the sun to breathe the universal.

Have you seen the bridge?  I ain't seen the bridge!  Where's that confounded bridge?!



Quote from: Andy on February 03, 2008, 11:38:41 AM
Sort of on-topic, I heard the original Jerkin Crocus this week and it isn't anywhere near as good as the Melvins version. Previously i'd thought 'I know why they've chosen this song, cos of the weird bit at the end and the whispered chorus', but it was in fact Dale y Buzzo that had put those bits into the song. The original is pretty boring.

Actually, that's only partially true. I don't remember what song it's from, but the weird bit at the end of Jerkin' Krokus is from another song off the same Mott the Hoople album. The Melvins just joined the 2 songs together. I forget which song the weird bit was from though. And I wouldn't say the original is boring. They weren't a bad band, methinks. Mott the Hoople just weren't a super-weird band, which the Melvins... are.

As far as 70's rock shtick goes, they were standard fare, with some occasional surprises.
Not bad, not bad.
"You guys don't fuck, do you?"
Kevin said that.

Mount Ambulance

I saw them do a cover of Loose in Toledo a couple yrs. ago w/ Dale on bass/voc. and
Coady & Jared on drums ... I posted some pix in the "show review board" I seem to
remember??? It was definatly pretty "loose" ... pretty cool all the same. Plus, it was the 1st. time I've ever seen them take (actually ask for) requests ... Sacrifice was one they played, I can't remember if Loose was too or they just busted it out impromtu ...


Quote from: guesswhatilikethemelvins on February 07, 2008, 02:27:09 PM
Quote from: Andy on February 03, 2008, 11:38:41 AM
Sort of on-topic, I heard the original Jerkin Crocus this week and it isn't anywhere near as good as the Melvins version. Previously i'd thought 'I know why they've chosen this song, cos of the weird bit at the end and the whispered chorus', but it was in fact Dale y Buzzo that had put those bits into the song. The original is pretty boring.

Actually, that's only partially true. I don't remember what song it's from, but the weird bit at the end of Jerkin' Krokus is from another song off the same Mott the Hoople album. The Melvins just joined the 2 songs together. I forget which song the weird bit was from though. And I wouldn't say the original is boring. They weren't a bad band, methinks. Mott the Hoople just weren't a super-weird band, which the Melvins... are.

As far as 70's rock shtick goes, they were standard fare, with some occasional surprises.
Not bad, not bad.

Just a quick listen to the album I belive it is "Momma's Little Jewel"