Another One...

Started by Clint Flick, September 19, 2006, 04:58:03 PM

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Clint Flick

So, as per Vinney's request, I put together a second Melvins cover. This time I did the track "Toy" from The Bootlicker. Unlike with the version of Anaconda I did, I took a lot more creative liberty with it (not, like, Mare liberty or anything, tho), instead of just trying to make it sound like a not-as-good alternative to the original. I think this worked out much better and I'm pretty happy with the result. You can listen to it here. Love it or hate it, let me know what you think if you have a minute.

Also, you'll notice the final beat of the song is missing. This is because I intend to combine it with Anaconda, making the first beat of the drum intro the last beat of Toy. I also want to add a third Melvins cover to follow 'Conda making a sort of trilogy (heh. eh...). Any suggestions?



I like it, Clint. More successful than Anaconda, I think. It's good to take liberties.


I like the covers.

You're stuff is good but I'm not so crazy about the name.

Were you aware that Pat Smear had a short lived project called Vagina Dentata?


I like it so we have oven and toy.
Do you want to do that triliogy your talking about?
Or should we just let each person have one song?
See hwo many songs i get first aye.

Clint Flick

Hey, Dub I know what you mean about the name, I guess it's a bit over the top, but 1) people tend to remember it (even if it makes them a bit queasy) and 2) my myspace page comes up third when you google the name. Not bad considering. Usually, I just abreviate it VWT. I didn't know about the Pat Smear project, but thanks for telling me. I guess it is a bit played out. Maybe if I start using the acronym more it will catch on.
Jaymz, my plan was to make the songs one continuous track with each song segueing (sp?) into the next. If you decide you have too much material later on, just tell me which one you want and that's fine, too (good luck with this whole thing).
Thanks for the words of encouragement, everyone! I'm still hoping for suggestions on what might make a good closer to the thing. Now that some of you are familiar with my sound, maybe someone has an idea? If not, fuck it. I was thinking something super drone/doom-y like "Lividity," "Lacrimosa," "They All Must Be Slaughtered," or "Over From Under the Excrement."