Melvins Wiki

Started by brian, October 09, 2006, 11:59:46 AM

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Clint Flick

I added a bit to the bio (Venomous Concept info and more on who this mysterious "Kevin" character was), but it's still nowhere near complete. C'mon geeks! If we all pitch in, this could be pretty comprehensive pretty quickly...


I was going to try and uniform the tour dates section, but don't know which way is more popular.

Should I do it like:
Date - Venue - City
Date - City - Venue
And should the opening bands/headlining bands be added after that with a "w/ Tomahawk, Tool, Ect." thing or should that all be saved for the individual link to each show? Which way do everyone prefer?


Quote from: Guts on October 10, 2006, 02:28:39 AM
Quote from: CaptainPungent on October 09, 2006, 06:28:47 PM
tonight i'm gonna cry my huge head on my enormous pillow (movie reference)

"So I Married an Axe Murderer" ?
nice job, karma!


Quote from: Ktik on October 10, 2006, 12:56:10 PM
I was going to try and uniform the tour dates section, but don't know which way is more popular.

Should I do it like:
Date - Venue - City
Date - City - Venue
And should the opening bands/headlining bands be added after that with a "w/ Tomahawk, Tool, Ect." thing or should that all be saved for the individual link to each show? Which way do everyone prefer?

I like date city venue and include the opening band on the end personally
that is what I wanted to do but ran out of free time at work yesterday
thanks for all your help!


Set up the 2006 tour in the Date City - Venue w/ band format. Can't remember which date Ghostigital started on, and don't have any idea which shows Porn opened so far, and if Altamont showed up at all, so if you know, you can just edit those into the w/ section.


Quote from: Ktik on October 10, 2006, 10:16:44 PM
Set up the 2006 tour in the Date City - Venue w/ band format. Can't remember which date Ghostigital started on, and don't have any idea which shows Porn opened so far, and if Altamont showed up at all, so if you know, you can just edit those into the w/ section.

ghostigitals first night was minneapolis, last is in brooklyn
porn played in minneapolis too

I just enabled file uploading, so uploading pictures from shows you attended( just try to name them with the date of the show if possible) and placing them on that dates page is possible, among other things, i've tested it by uploading a few album covers.


Do you like it like that, formatting wise with the bolder title and a brief explination of the tour?


Quote from: brian on October 10, 2006, 10:31:01 PM
I just enabled file uploading, so uploading pictures from shows you attended( just try to name them with the date of the show if possible) and placing them on that dates page is possible, among other things, i've tested it by uploading a few album covers.
Ah, cool. Thanks, brian. I was going to ask you about that, as that's where I started.


"Mess with the best, trolled like the rest." - Jacket Man.


Quote from: Ktik on October 10, 2006, 11:30:05 PM

Do you like it like that, formatting wise with the bolder title and a brief explination of the tour?

excellent, i'm searching my archives for other dates


good to know.  i really appreciate all the dates being in one place on the internet.  i forgot when a lot of the shows were and who opened and stuff.  if i ever record a show in the future i'll make a note of it in the wiki and where someone can write to for a copy.  more people should do it...i don't understand why some people are so private about their recordings
Vinney "only takes 15 years to make good on his promises" Cavallo


so i posted all the dates i could find thanks to the internet archive wayback machine
sorry for the mess this caused, including setlists etc.
ideas on what to do with this info are appreciated, i say copy them on over to the next page then delete them off the main date list.

my goal is to eventually link discography, lyrics, and tabs all together soon and get rid of the lyrics forum and the shitty tabs page with bad text files.


Was anyone else at the Melvins/Mudhoney show in Portland in 2004?   That was my very first melvins show and I was wondering if anyone had a setlist.
I had only bought gluey porch treatments so I didn't know their music very well at the time. 


Quote from: brian on October 11, 2006, 01:15:25 PMmy goal is to eventually link discography, lyrics, and tabs all together soon and get rid of the lyrics forum and the shitty tabs page with bad text files.
Some of it's there.
Ozma has the lyrics already. No tabs yet.


The spam the wiki is getting recently is overwhelming.

Someone suggested need to register an account to post. Can we make it do that, Brian?