Started by turnacus, August 11, 2003, 01:35:20 PM

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el gep

I just want to add something about Bullhead 'cause I'm pretty surprised there're not more people seeming to love "Boris" in this topic.
This song is amazing. This is really something unique.
It grabs you by the guts and, when you're a musician trying to analyse it, I can tell that's really not a piece of cake (what sort of cake would it be?!?)!
It's a really really weird construction whereas it sounds very... natural when you hear 'em play it.
I don't know how they can memorize it and play it live like it's only natural (and this song live just kills!).

Great album, a piece of art.
And if it's not loud enough, just turn up that damn' volume knob! It doesn't sound loud compared to the very crompressed stuff of nowadays, that's all. It's just more "nautral" (one more time).

black stallion

Quote from: el gep on September 29, 2020, 03:15:21 AM
I just want to add something about Bullhead 'cause I'm pretty surprised there're not more people seeming to love "Boris" in this topic.
This song is amazing. This is really something unique.
It grabs you by the guts and, when you're a musician trying to analyse it, I can tell that's really not a piece of cake (what sort of cake would it be?!?)!
It's a really really weird construction whereas it sounds very... natural when you hear 'em play it.
I don't know how they can memorize it and play it live like it's only natural (and this song live just kills!).

Great album, a piece of art.
And if it's not loud enough, just turn up that damn' volume knob! It doesn't sound loud compared to the very crompressed stuff of nowadays, that's all. It's just more "nautral" (one more time).

agree on everything


Best album ever...my absolute favorite,my go to... perfect from start to finish, the flow of the song is amazing, the actual songs put together the way they are, and the difference of each songs, this record is so unique, when I first heard it and I try to show everybody that they hated it, and I knew I had found my favorite record ever. I'm gonna listen to it right now

black stallion

this album is simply amazing, not a bad song on it

vince furnier

i'll listen to it on my phone between Mr Phylls and Bore-Us.  :lol:
Welcome to my Nightmare!

Israeli billionaire dies during penis enlargement surgery


Buzz has stated many many times that his vision for the Melvins was always that the most offensive thing should be the music itself.

That said, this really is the beginning of a trend in album titles that are weirdly derogatory. Does anyone else hear BULLHEAD as a portmanteau of BULLSHIT and FUCKHEAD? Wonder if that was the origin, and they were happy to find that a bullhead itself is just an animal name after all.


it made me smile in that new interview where Buzz was asked what he thought when he first saw the cover art for Bullhead. Like he would remember something like that from a whole 32 years ago!!!! Incidentally it always makes me wonder how much the band recall about any of their motivations since Buzz can't even remember what Boris is written about or it's influence.

(the) Razor

Just picked up the 2018 vinyl from Bullhead.


My god - why can't they re-release the CD/Digital version with this much oomph, it sounds like the Houdini record it's that good. I always just thought it was tinny
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