King Buzzo Etymology?

Started by bUTTHOLEmAN, February 20, 2008, 11:34:55 AM

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obviously my king is

i would thing you would know bhm. im surprised. your brainy catacombs.
if i asked buzz he'd lie to me surely.

creepy crover is so much easier.
gamble gamble gamble DIE.


I believe the name ' King Buzzo' comes because he's king creating riffs. At least I thought so while reading the Melvins tabs -thread.


Quote from: Chief Ten Beers on February 20, 2008, 06:02:28 PM
If you're ever driving around upstate/western NY and you see a bumper sticker that says BUZZO, it's not what you think. There's a record/CD/instrument store in Geneseo NY called Buzzo's. The guy has been in business for like 30 yrs, and he's sort of a local legend. Really cool store, really weird, nice guy. I saw him once bust out his trumpet and jam with some bands at a bar. He was wearing just a bathrobe. It was great.

Sounds kinda like the dude.

I was once in a club wearing a melvins t shirt (not thats anything new about all i wear) when some really ugly girl in a bra and mini skirt with legs that looked like orange peel came up to me and and said "The melvins" and pointed at my top, before i could throw in the reply of 'shit really i thought it said kiss' she said "thats the band which the singer calls himself king buzzo isnt it? thats the reason i dont like them because he calls himself that............(this is where im thinking sooooooooooooooooo)........oh that and they killed kurt cobain so you shouldnt like them either" me staring at her like what the fuck are you on about you dumb ass asks "so what music should i like then?" her reply "take that. then you will be alternative"
Nice story that for reading as removed your iq but i thought you would like to know the intelligence of people in liverpool.

linoleum blownapart

since the butthole surfers had king coffee, the melvins needed a king too.
thrower of the bong water balloons


linoleum blownapart

My kid has a shirt similar to that.  A crappy Mexican food chain has them.
thrower of the bong water balloons


First appearance of Buzzo = Venus in Furs 7"
First appearance of King Buzzo = Eggnog
Also melvins is gay cuz some of their songs are just noise, i tell you this so you all don't buy albums and find out only one two songs is good on them.


Quote from: GrimReaper on June 15, 2016, 04:57:19 AM

At one of buzzos acoustic show in Austin a couple years ago there was a girl band called Taco Cat from Seattle that played after him. Coincidence?! They were ok. I used to know the link where buzz explains his nickname but I forgot!
"This is America. I don't want a tomato picked by a Mexican. I want it picked by an American, then sliced by a Guatemalan and served by a Venezuelan in a spa where a Chilean gives me a Brazilian." - Stephen Colbert

Mount Ambulance

I've heard it was because he was a dominating control freak (in a good way?) apparently the name was hoisted upon him by Tom Flynn (Fang/Boner) either when they (Melvins) were a Boner band or when Tom was bassing for 'em ... maybe those events/times overlap?


I thought I remember hearing that someone called him that as an insult because he was always trying to boss everyone around and he adopted it as his own. For some reason I was thinking Joe Preston had something to do with it.



I read somewhere (maybe in the forum) that Jonathan Burnside was responsible for the nickname due to the way Buzz expressed his opinions.
cartoons, chocolate milk & rock 'n' roll!!
Fuzz is love.
Foot fetishism means love, because, it's the magic of feet odor... Long live depravation.

He explains in the first minute how he became THE KING.

Dumpster D