trilogy concept?

Started by klaus barbie, August 16, 2003, 12:51:22 AM

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klaus barbie

greetings! sorry if this was discussed into exhaustion on the previous board (i wasn't there) but does anyone have any theories on the supposed "concept" of the trilogy? danke!


Buzz wanted to do a four c/d release. One album soft, the next hard, the next harder and finally a live album. Ipecac said no. Buzz agreed to three releases and the live one to be released seperately. The hardest turned into the Crybaby.

Money was propbably a major motivation for so much music at once.

The beginning of Maggot has the Byrds "Hey Mister Tamborine Man".
It ends with Bells and the beginning of "Toy". "Tamborine man" has to be some clue. I have some recording of Buzz singing this in concert

Bootlicker has the sliegh bells and ends with the cover of "Smell Like Teen Spirit".

Crybaby ends with 8 minutes of silence followed by the word "Again".
Having a fallen teen idol and heroin addict like Lief Garret sing Nirvana's "Smells like Teen Spirt" is like the loss of innocence or the distruction or humanization of idols.

The artwork is by Mackie and gives no clue to any concept. The vinyl release is the closest to an answer with the conflicting idealologys on each record.

The names of the songs have no connecting threads. The cover of "Green Maneleshi" by Fleetwood Mac doesn't tie in with any concept either.

The tracking of the c/d's is also bizzare. Maggot with two for each song.

I know I just said a whole lot of nothing, and that is my point. The concept was to make dumb asses like me ponder what the Trilogy means.

......And to bring in some cash.

So in other words, if there is any concept I haven't figured it out. :(


there's a good interview that mentions the idea with the trilogy here:

Beto Brasil

good link bro, thank you  :)
Trading music since 1999 :

Update :


The concept of the trilogy is that there are three albums.

There ya go. That's about all the concept there is to it.
Van Hagar