Small's Bar Detroit 8-5

Started by glen, August 06, 2008, 01:03:11 PM

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black stallion

Quote from: bathroom creep on August 07, 2008, 09:51:20 AM
Quote from: norecess on August 07, 2008, 08:44:58 AM
Quote from: bathroom creep on August 06, 2008, 04:10:14 PM
Quote from: Mount Ambulance on August 06, 2008, 03:35:26 PM
   On a side note ... thats' a great Dale & Baseball story Glen ... I'm sure they dig a little conversation from fans that doesn't revole round the band ... and the typical "man your so great" or what not ... They already know their great ... just ask Buzz! And I'm sure from the fan perspective its more engaging to actually talk than just gush an' get a well meaning but fully practiced "thanks' we do it for the fans" response ...

I agree. The only problem with me is that I never really know what to say other than things like "...nice to meet ya... it's an honor... blah blah", I guess I wouldn't be able to talk about random stuff. My brain is kinda weird, it doesn't work properly in situations like that. So I reckon sometimes it's better if I don't say anything at all.

Yeah, when I met Buzz and this board was brought up, I told him that it's just really great to have a tiny place in this universe with people who share their favorite band... that was the only thing I actually said to him about the Melvins and it felt a bit awkward.

The 'trick' (if you need one) is just to be normal, be ordinary, be yourself, as them how the tour is going. They'll notice soon enough if you're a freak fan boy or a cool guy.

I guess I'm just more of a reserved person, that's why I don't walk up to them and start talking about stuff.
i'm exactly like you,guess this isn't a defect or a bad opinion is that each should spontaneously behave him.


So Black Stallion is a Madonna fan?

"I can push over twelve year old girls easy." - Fart
kill yr idols
emperors wear no clothes
"We don't have alot of information right now, but for all we know monkeys might fly out of my butt"- rictus


okay,  standing in line to get in to the show....   maybe some of you might have had similar experiences.

I think maybe I spend too much time here and know too much about MELVINS.

I'm standing in line all by my lonesome and the guys in front of me and the guys behind me start a conversation about melvins.  I'm not feeling very social at that moment so I keep to myself and pretend as though I am not listening to a word they say.    the problem I have is that 97% of what they said about melvins was completely wrong or just plain bullshit.

the one guy says "I hope they play music tonight. I heard that they just do noise sets sometimes.  so I'll be glad if I hear at least one song."  the other guy says "oh I've seen melvins like 15 times.  this one time I saw them open for white zombie and and they were mad at the venue so they just came out and did feedback for an hour straight.  they never played a note of music. it was awesome."         okay, that never happened in michigan.   then the guy goes on to talk about the last time they were in grand rapids MI and they were again, mad at the venue so they started at like 6 o'clock and were done by 7. there was only about 18 people there"    I was at that show.  it did not happen that way.  the show was supposed to be an early show all along and it was more like started at 8 and was over by 10:30.  there were about 50 or 100 people there.         then they exchanged a few more ideas about the melvins that were completely inaccurate.  but I kept my mouth shut so as not to come across like a know-it-all asshole.  I let them live in their little fantasy world.  they seemed happy.   the one guy seemed to think the other guy was a melvins biographer and knew all about anything to do with melvins.    unfortunately he was only about 60% right about everything.

is the problem here that I need a life?
"Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care." - Richie Goodtimes

Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care.


"I heard that they just do noise sets sometimes." 

I used to have an art teacher in high school who would say the same thing. I don't get it.

also i think its pretty reasonable to be annoyed about that (but i'm also posting on this board so maybe i need a life as well..)
maybe if they were saying things like "King Buzzos birthday is on July 3rd" and you were secretly like "no, no, THE FIFTH" that would be grounds for needing a life. Who knows. It seems like most Melvins fans are rabid, anyhow.

black stallion

Quote from: bUTTHOLEmAN on August 07, 2008, 12:04:25 PM
So Black Stallion is a Madonna fan?
yep Butthole,i always  liked Madonna more as a trash icon than for her music...seeing the pics norecess has posted recently i have to say right now she looks more like Michael Jackson but who cares,i like Madonna :?
do not take me too seriously


Glen you are a certified MELVINS freak! I can relate he he. Glad you got to talk to Dale. Ever notice when pieces of Buzz's hair fly off in that fan that always sits behind him, the light catches it, and you can see the piece of fuzz rocket off somewhere? Now that's freaky.   :shock:
"I actually checked to make sure I wasn't posting balls."  (IDLEHANZ)

".PS: please,  allow me to reitterate...  dale crover = super human " (GLEN)

"If the world is going to end on Saturday I might as well hold in my shit and save a few bucks on Shit-Paper." (GRIM)

ANACONDA:   All-around genuine motherfucker.


Quote from: glen on August 07, 2008, 12:13:04 PM
then the guy goes on to talk about the last time they were in grand rapids MI and they were again, mad at the venue so they started at like 6 o'clock and were done by 7. there was only about 18 people there"    I was at that show.  it did not happen that way.  the show was supposed to be an early show all along and it was more like started at 8 and was over by 10:30.  there were about 50 or 100 people there.

I was also there and it was a standard Melvins show. And you are right that it was an early show all along. I don't have a life either and pretty much read and analyze everything about the Melvins, so it's always funny too me when people start talking about the Melvins when they know so little about them.

BTW: I converted one of my friends last night that lives in Cleveland  and told him he had to go to the show. I got him hooked on (A) Senile Animal and he pretty much went out and bought the whole collection afterwards. He has never seen them before up until last night. This was his email he sent me this morning...

QuoteSooooo....that was one of the best shows I've ever seen.  In fact, I'm having a hard time remembering a show that was better.  Big Business rock harder than just about anybody. I mean it.  Their drummer is badass.  I was thinking there was no way in hell anyone could top that set, until the Melvins hit the stage.  They sounded great, played a great set, the crowd was great.  I will definitely be seeing these guys the next time they come around

Ron Maiden

Glen's opening review was pretty good, and i'mglad cuz less typing for me.

my melvins night starts like this.
my phone rings at around 6:30 pm
ring: "Hello, legalize meth"
Glen:" Where the hell are you?"
Me: "it's 6:30 , im at me dealers house, i just drove him home from summer school."
Glen:"I'm at the casino, i practiced playing slots all night at home"
Me:" Go get the gumbo at Fishbones , you'll shit fire".

me and my friend Steve get there right after doors, grab a 5 dollar big can of Labbatts. you know they had High Life which i'm happy with but it was the same price for the Blue so there you go.
check out the merch, contemplated buying the live sets for someone on the board but figured you'll be able to download this thing in no time.

i bought Nude With Boots, cuz i support my local melvins.
(if you wanna argue my logic on the downloading the live sets fire away)

i had already partook in the car before going in, which i may have over did it. cuz when i first ran into Glen  I remember being really fucked up with the beer and the other shit. I remember him commenting on my state but i quickly gained focus. And remember having a few decent laughs with Glen.  I think a long driver to Cleveland with him would have been a pretty good time. we should plan that next time.

It was getting hotter and hotter in there by the song. I think i felt my first drop of sweat during the noise set.

Let me say this. as BIg BIz is playing i started to realize how shitty the sound is compared to Magic Stick. I was not blown away that night like i was a few years back at the stick. the drums sound so great at the stick and this time didn't do it for me as much. Smalls sucks. maybe if the room wasn't so crowded the sound would have resonated a little more.

Big biz with guitarist didn't impress me. the guitar lines kinda of were annoying, it takes you attention away from Jared's nice bass parts at times. although Toshi's facial expressions were funny.

i wont comment on the melvins set much. before they played Glen called me over closer to the stage ( i had been standing in back by the sound board the whole itme, under an Air Conditioning vent. He pulls out some aluminum foil and hands it to me. Inside i'm praying that its black tar heroin , and i start to wonder if he's gonna make me suck his dick now. turns out to be somehting more main stream.

QuoteI completely screwed armof up with my crazy viet nam weed.   last I saw him he was in the back of the place facing the wrong way.   

these kids all around me are like "go ahead and smoke man we wont say anything" I said "i'm not worried about whether you'll say anything, I just don't want to share". .....Fuck 'em.

Five minutes I am in perfect condition to hear the song Dog Island. And I did.
I'd have to say the highlight for me was hearing Tipping the Lion. one of my favorites.

I asked Glen this "do they play anything with Kevin's bass parts?" I don;lt think we came up with any, but i think they played Let It All Be a few tours ago right?

after Melvins left the stage i ran out the side door to get cooled off. I didn't see glen but I did call him and wished him a safe drive home.

one last thing, It was nice meeting Jozz and Beerdestroyer but like they mentioned it was very brief. didn't meet up till right before Melvins played.

Brooklyns Finest PoonTang

Quote from: glen on August 07, 2008, 12:13:04 PM
is the problem here that I need a life?

No, you don't need a life. You just need to drink more & lose your hearing.
Quote from: cottoncrown on January 06, 2009, 07:17:08 PM
this is serious business here guys.  i don't want a tour of anyones chocolate factory please



got your voicemail this morning danno.
I was scared.  I considered putting out an amber alert for you.  you sounded in distress.
I carried that doob in you smoked underneath my testicles for the first hour and then moved it into my sweaty sock for the last 5 minutes before giving it to you.  how did it taste?
I kid.  :P

it was a good time.     its actually a little more fun since joining this board.   I look forward to seeing all you fruit loops at every show.  

but at the same time sometimes I miss the good old days when I'd walk into a melvins show not having any idea what to expect as far as setlist, etc.  then when I favorite song starts it catches you completely off guard.   ambulance put it best when he said he was anticipating the end of the set all night based on the setlist posted here.  
now I know the entire setlist and have seen a couple tour clips on youtube by the time they get to detroit.  

it has its +'s and -'s.
"Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care." - Richie Goodtimes

Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care.

Ron Maiden

QuoteI miss the good old days when I'd walk into a melvins show not having any idea what to expect as far as setlist, etc

dude i was thinking the same thing. like i checkjed to see if they played Cobra and as i did that i thought man, i remember not even knowing what some of the opening bands were like. like you'd go to a show and hopefully discover some new cool band, now you find out who's playing and look them up on myspace for samples and know whether or not to go in early.


Quote from: glen on August 07, 2008, 01:14:43 PM

got your voicemail this morning danno.
I was scared.  I considered putting out an amber alert for you.  you sounded in distress.
I carried that doob in you smoked underneath my testicles for the first hour and then moved it into my sweaty sock for the last 5 minutes before giving it to you.  how did it taste?

He smoked a 'Doob' near yer testicles?!?!?  :x :x :x
May all your dreams come true!

I will not kill you, Conda, perhaps only wound you with my razor-sharp axe. SCHNAP!!!  : )   - SchnabelA

Nuancing is for homo's.  - Norecess

bathroom creep

Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt.

Centripetal core of soul sojourn the field vibrates to absolution. I climb toward the sun to breathe the universal.

Have you seen the bridge?  I ain't seen the bridge!  Where's that confounded bridge?!



"I can push over twelve year old girls easy." - Fart
kill yr idols
emperors wear no clothes
"We don't have alot of information right now, but for all we know monkeys might fly out of my butt"- rictus


Quote from: bUTTHOLEmAN on August 14, 2008, 06:03:43 PM
Quote from: bathroom creep on August 14, 2008, 05:52:56 PM
Excellent pictures.  More and more women seem to becoming melvins fans!  =D>

One of my best friends that I went with brought his wife...It was her 5th Melvins show :shock: At first, I thought it was just a front the first couple of times she went with us, but she DEMANDED that I pick up  a ticket for her this go around. He married  a keeper, for sure. She knows all the songs old and new and even though it was hotter than hell in there, she didn't budge from the front.