What do you want to hear in a 45-minute blazing supporting set?

Started by Живојиновић, July 14, 2009, 01:32:43 AM

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Bad Guy Zero

I think they should set up their gear, do a quick pre-set tune-up, then bring out a barstool and set a boombox on top of it.  They pop in a copy of PRICK and let it play while they sit onstage drinking hot tea.

But seriously, as long as they do "Anaconda" and "Joan of Arc" I'm happy.  I'd love to hear "Youth of America" again but I have a really good live recording of it from the Tool tour.   I would like to hear them do Queen's "Now I'm Here" again.

Bitches of Copacabana

"Be-bop boot and shoe, ding dong the bell has been rang."


Coady mentioned they are practicing a cover song for the tour.  Wondering what gem they're pulling out next.


Quote from: glen on July 16, 2009, 09:03:46 AM

if I had to pick a fav track you all know HAG ME would be high on the list.

Gun to my head, I'd probably say the same thing.

It's all toss up between Hag Me, Hung Bunny/Roman Dog Bird, Boris and Dog Island.
"He who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life" - Homer Simpson


since big biz has joined the boys, i've been dreamin' of an extended "drummy" At A Crawl.....
i'd also love for The Green Manalishi or other Maggot/Bootlicker stuff back in the set.....
"SwingSet you look like a bunch of guys I know in Ireland.  It's a particular  look I can't describe.  A sort of don't fuck with me or I'll kill you look.
I mean all this in the nicest possible way of course"


Speaking of the old stuff...why does nobody else want to hear VILE???

To me, the version on Making Love has to be one of my favorite Melvin's tunes EVER.

I say pull out some of that really old stuff like At A Crawl and anything from Ozma.

That Scentless Apprentice cover would kill if it ever happened. I've thought the same thing before!

Bitches of Copacabana

I think even better for a Nirvana cover would be "Endless, Nameless."  If anything else just to bookend that album.  As long as we're throwing out cockamamy (sp? haha) ideas have Phil sing "Teen Spirit"
"Be-bop boot and shoe, ding dong the bell has been rang."

Kolonel Kurtz Kobain

Quote from: Bitches of Copacabana on July 19, 2009, 11:13:46 AM
I think even better for a Nirvana cover would be "Endless, Nameless."  If anything else just to bookend that album.  As long as we're throwing out cockamamy (sp? haha) ideas have Phil sing "Teen Spirit"

The version of Nevermind I have doesn't have it because it was one of the first pressing of 50,000.
A proper opening set for this bill would be Down songs played by Down......then the A-team could take the stage and lay it down good.
I'd rather be at Dodger Stadium...


And berthas. We need berthas. It's only a minute and a half. You can do it.


Quote from: Randy Hawkins on July 20, 2009, 02:06:07 AM
Quote from: Bitches of Copacabana on July 19, 2009, 11:13:46 AM
I think even better for a Nirvana cover would be "Endless, Nameless."  If anything else just to bookend that album.  As long as we're throwing out cockamamy (sp? haha) ideas have Phil sing "Teen Spirit"

The version of Nevermind I have doesn't have it because it was one of the first pressing of 50,000.
A proper opening set for this bill would be Down songs played by Down......then the A-team could take the stage and lay it down good.

I have that version also.


I'd like to see them play "Ramblin Man" and "Okie from Muskogee" back and forth while the Nu Orlinz rednecks from Down and the Texan one too all run around screaming yeeehaaar and having a right old ho down with their plaid shirts and vietnam vet headbands. 

Alternatively you could have Phil Anselmo give a 45 minute rant about smoking weed, eating pussy, killing trends and other such shite while Melvins pummel the audience with drum duels, slide bass and noise solos.
Ridicule is nothing to be scared of.


From the Big Biz myspace blog....

"Here are the upcoming Melvins tour dates, just in case you wanted to know. Big Biz will not be playing, but Jared and Coady will be doing time with the Melvins. They've been working on a new set, including a couple of songs never before performed live. Most of these dates are with Down, but be sure to check out atpfestival.com for the complete NYC ATP fest lineup. i love you."

That sounds promising.


Quote from: Jozzy on July 21, 2009, 01:40:46 PM
From the Big Biz myspace blog....

"Here are the upcoming Melvins tour dates, just in case you wanted to know. Big Biz will not be playing, but Jared and Coady will be doing time with the Melvins. They've been working on a new set, including a couple of songs never before performed live. Most of these dates are with Down, but be sure to check out atpfestival.com for the complete NYC ATP fest lineup. i love you."

That sounds promising.
Definitely.  I'm looking forward to seeing what the set list is.

"I can push over twelve year old girls easy." - Fart
kill yr idols
emperors wear no clothes
"We don't have alot of information right now, but for all we know monkeys might fly out of my butt"- rictus


maybe i should start hoping for an extra london show when they play atp in december.