Kevin Rutmantis

Started by GrimReaper, August 17, 2003, 08:11:05 AM

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Kevin has been in the Melvins for about 5 years now, and if past history is any indication of the future, his time is about up.

The reason I was thinking about this was the E-Mail I got from Ipecac:
The news release of Tomahawk going back to Europe.

I wonder if this will impact the plans of Buzz and Dale?


Here's a copy of the news release:

08/15/2003  Extra Extra! Tomahawk has been invited to participate in the annual Radio 1 "One Live In..."
week long radio broadcast. This year it takes place in beautiful Brighton. It will be broadcast on Radio 1 of course. An honor like this was too hard to pass up so the guys decided to do a mini tour around it! The dates are listed now in the calendar section. ROAD TRIP with the 'hawk.

Beto Brasil

i think that no man, because, The Melvins trade bass in long time, they are find other good bass, i think.who knows Joe or Lori back no? :D
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Update :


I see Kevin staying with the Melvins for many more years to come.

Beto Brasil

Quote from: mantraI see Kevin staying with the Melvins for many more years to come.

yeah man, maybe!!! i want too man!! Kevin Forever !!!
Trading music since 1999 :

Update :


Kevin will probubly be the bassist till' the day Buzz dies, and when that day comes, I'm gonna get really high and really drunk, and listen to all their albums.


even though i like kevin, if he left, it would be interesting to see another melvins permutation.

Maybe that Kunka guy will join in.


Quote from: CausesUnknownKevin will probubly be the bassist till' the day Buzz dies, and when that day comes, I'm gonna get really high and really drunk, and listen to all their albums.

Sounds like a good plan.


Kevin is a cool guy, but who wouldn't like to see the effect different players habve on the melvins.
Van Hagar

Reverend Ebeneezer

They need to get Matt Lukin out of retirement and out of middle age. Anyone buy 'March To Fuzz' by Mudhoney? Christ! He looks like everyone's next door neighbour...
Don't cut me!DON'T CUT ME!
-Thrones, Simon Legree live...

cranky messiah

joe preston's triumphant return is nigh!


Joe Preston is pretty talented, but while he was in the Melvins, I don't think he had nearly as much creative input into the music as Kevin Rutmanis has had for the past 5 years.  But it would be interesting to see how the Melvins' sound would change with Joe in the band at this time, especially after hearing his Thrones albums.

Beto Brasil

B or A sides? hehe, all sides is great! good album, a little expansive,but great! My favor album from mudhoney is "My Brother the COw " .

Quote from: Reverend EbeneezerThey need to get Matt Lukin out of retirement and out of middle age. Anyone buy 'March To Fuzz' by Mudhoney? Christ! He looks like everyone's next door neighbour...
Trading music since 1999 :

Update :


I heard that Matt Lukin is a carpenter now.

Reverend Ebeneezer

Quote from: Beto BrasilB or A sides? hehe, all sides is great! good album, a little expansive,but great! My favor album from mudhoney is "My Brother the COw " .

Damn fine record I'll agree. I still love the self-titled one though...that song 'Flat Out Fucked' is the epitome of grunge to me.

Lukin's a carpenter now, eh? I guess the 'Honey really AREN'T millionaires then...
Don't cut me!DON'T CUT ME!
-Thrones, Simon Legree live...