how many times have you seen melvins live?

Started by theNotoriouslemmyRamone, August 29, 2010, 07:35:08 PM

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Not enuff!

First was @DC Space in '90....then Balticore once, Atlanta a few times, Pixburgh a few times, Denver a few times....



"Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care." - Richie Goodtimes

Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care.


Maybe about a dozen times.

First time with Mudhoney and Thee Headcoats SF Kennel Club 1990
Last time at the AmRep 25th Anniversary Bash Mpls Grumpy's 2010

I've seen Lorax, Tom Flynn, Joe, Mark, Kevin and Jared on bass.

Metalhead Cow

Seen them twice. Rochester, NY 2008 and Buffalo, NY 2009. Both shows were amazing and it was really cool to finally get to see my favorite band in person. Not to mention I met Dale, Coady, and Jared.  8)
I was pretty bummed I didn't get to see them 2010. crossing my fingers for 2011.


never with Matt Lukin
once with Lori
once with Joe Preston
3 times with Mark D
once with Kevin
once with Coady and Jared


I've seen their full set twice across the Midwest... But the first time I saw them was at a soundcheck back in 2004. I could only stay for a
few songs... far too much noise for my virgin ears. 


David Scott Stone
Trevor Dunn
Jared Warren
Matt Lukin (Melvins 1983)
Andy Coronado (Jelvins)

John Schuller

Lukin Era
05/16/1987 @ Crescenet Ballrom, Tacoma WA (w/DRI/Poison Idea)

Lorax Era
01/20/1990 @ Legends, Tacoma WA (w/Nirvana and drunk Matt Lukin)
02/12/1993 @ Capitol Theater, Olympia WA ( Midnight concert)

Mark D Era
11/27/1993 @ Off Ramp, Seattle WA
11/28/1993 @ Off Ramp, Seattle WA (w/Plainfield)
11/09/1994 @ DV8, Seattle WA
11/12/1994 @ Capitol Theater, Olympia WA (Midnight "Quiet" concert)
04/06/1995 @ King Cat Theater, Seattle WA (w/Acid King)
10/08/1996 @ La Luna, Portland OR (3 Sets!)

Rotten Ass Joker Era

06/25/1999 @ Breakroom, Seattle WA (w/Enemymine)
04/07/2000 @ Showbox, Seattle WA (w/Leif Garret)
05/12/2001 @ Showbox, Seattle WA
05/14/2002 @ Showbox, Seattle WA
05/15/2002 @ Hell's Kitchen, Tacoma WA
05/16/2002 @ The Go Club, Olympia WA
05/19/2002 @ Crystal Ballroom, Portland OR
05/05/2003 @ Showbox, Seattle WA
03/07/2004 @ Showbox, Seattle WA (20th Anniversary w/Big Business, Mudhoney)
03/09/2004 @ Capitol Theater, Olympia WA (20th Anniversary w/Mudhoney)
07/25/2004 @ Captiol Hill Block Party, Seattle WA

Jelvins Era
12/30/2004 @ Neumo's, Seattle WA (Jello - vocals, Adam Jones - guitar, David Scott Stone - bass)
01/01/2005 @ Electric Heavyland, Seattle WA (afternoon show with Buzz on Bass, Ursula Stuart on Bass, Adam Jones on Guitar)
11/02/2005 @ Neumo's, Seattle WA (Melvins set, then a Jelvins set)

Big Business Era

02/17/2007 @ Warehouse Space, Los Angeles CA (snuck into an invite only show!)
07/27/2007 @ Troubadour (Trevor Dunn on bass - perform Eggnog/Lysol)
09/15/2007 @ Henry Fonda, Los Angeles CA ( perform Houdini set w/Flipper and Mudhoney)
07/15/2008 @ Amoeba Music, Los Angeles CA
11/28/2008 @ Troubadour, Los Angeles CA (w/Big Business, PORN)
10/18/2009 @ Club Nokia, Los Angeles CA (w/Butthole Surfers)
01/07/2011 @ Spaceland, Los Angeles CA (performing Eggnog, Lysol, COD)
01/14/2011 @ Spaceland, Los Angeles CA (performing Houdini w/Melvins 1983)
01/21/2011 @ Spaceland, Los Angeles CA (performing Bullhead w/ Melvins Lite)
01/28/2011 @ Spaceland, Los Angeles CA (performing Stoner Witch)

John Schuller

Tonight will make 33 times. Still not enough.


somewhere between 16-18 times since 1997, half of that in the last 3 years
number 2 pencil insiiiiide my head


Quote from: pinkyslim on November 26, 2010, 11:06:30 AM
First time-opening for GWAR at the Palladium in 91?
Last show at the Troubador a few months back.2010.

In between- at LEAST 70 times, easy. 8)

I even saw them play w/ Flynn. :lol:

kiss my ring.
damn, pinky. can't believe i got you beat on the first timer. march of 1990. headlining.with flynn.
"Mess with the best, trolled like the rest." - Jacket Man.


Spaceland 1/28 marks my 47th show.  First at the Anaconda in Santa Barbara with GWAR (92'?).  Seen them in California, Oregon, Washington, Canada, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Texas.  Muslums go to Mecca, I go to Melvins shows.