Pigs of the Roman Empire

Started by Dr. Gonzo, August 07, 2004, 01:14:41 AM

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They'll probably still come out with all-Melvins albums soon enough.  Probably like 2005 I'm guessing.  I think they're just on a collaboration and side-project kick:

Buzz - Fantomas (Delirium Cordia and new album next year)
Buzz - Venomous Concept
The Melvins and Jello Biafra
The Melvins and Lustmord

I guess they just like to work with a lot of other musicians outside their bands, kinda like Dave Grohl with all his drumming guest spots he's done.  But they'll probably have a  Melvins-exclusive album next year which I'm guessing.


i bet the next all melvins record will be a calm country record
i don't have a square to spare. can't spare a square.


Quote from: Lunicai bet the next all melvins record will be a calm country record

Not if they didnt want to be accused of ripping off ween.

Which by the way, is the best ween/country album ever.
Van Hagar


anyways, I think the problem with the album is, like tony said, the melvins and lustmord arent working together enough. The bloated pope is the a good example of them working together. Rock but with noise. The title track is the best example of them not workign together. It doesnt even flow together. Its like stuff thrown down by lustmord, then stuff thrown down by the melvins. It has no flow, no build up, nothing. Its dull to me.

But the album isnt super shitty, its just a bit dissapointing.
Van Hagar


Metalhead Cow

I'm still really looking forward to buying the album and making my own opinions. :)  Fuck, August 24, is SO far away! :cry:
At least I'm getting a track by track review tommarow by LuieLoomis! :D

Metalhead Cow

Quote from: LeroyThey'll probably still come out with all-Melvins albums soon enough.  Probably like 2005 I'm guessing.  I think they're just on a collaboration and side-project kick:

Buzz - Fantomas (Delirium Cordia and new album next year)
Buzz - Venomous Concept
The Melvins and Jello Biafra
The Melvins and Lustmord

I guess they just like to work with a lot of other musicians outside their bands, kinda like Dave Grohl with all his drumming guest spots he's done.  But they'll probably have a  Melvins-exclusive album next year which I'm guessing.

Yeah, plus Kevin in Tomahawk and Teenage Larvae, and Dale in Altamont. And The Crybaby and the Melvins/Fantomas live record. :shock:


I've never heard of Teenage Larvae.  interesting


i can't find it on soulseek...
can anyone hook me up to hold me over till it comes out??


Quotewell...i've actually put out freeform-style music before, so-called "noise" music, but i wouldn't see the point in doing a lustmord-type album. his stuff is like listening to the ocean. of course, there ARE people that want to do that. don't ask me why. maybe because they live in the desert, i dunno. but i want to hear songs. i want to hear musicianship. that's it. and i don't listen to my favorite bands because they make albums full of half-songs and pointless, flat sounds.

but, man, hitting a low note on a synth and setting a reverb box for a long decay, it's just simple. clanging on a chime -- simple. it's like lustmord's albums, to me, are like listening to a guy tune his guitar for an hour. there's just nothing there. it's so basic as to be pointless, devoid of meaning.

i would actually make an argument that a lot of so-called "noise" recordings are totally just like sound effects records for people to take drugs to and put on in the background. i can understand that. but it doesn't mean anything to me. i got into the melvins on houdini, and i loved how they mixed huge, weird rock songs with crazy noise bits. it was so fresh, to my ears. but this album, the scales have really tipped too far. the noise isn't interesting (it's literally STATIC, a lot of the time), and the actual songs (all three of them) are so sub-par that it's hard to imagine them actually putting any effort into them (save "the bloated pope," which is a pretty good melvins tune, but sadly is not indicative of the album at all).

dude i can totally understand your point. but at the same time i really enjoy lustmords work. i haven't heard the album yet so im not basing my opinion on that but im just giving you my opinion on certain ambience in general. ambient music seems easy to make and everyone can do it...i know...lets take this into consideration : i made a cd of ambience and then i let my friend who swore it was easy, do a cd of ambience..he finished it in like a week...about the same amount of time it took me to do it...i gave both cds to an ambient music fan and asked him which one he liked...he didnt like my friends at all....

ambience is all about mood. its not really about construction..its more about arrangement..certain textures evoke different emotions and sometimes ambient artists who have no idea what they are doing end up sounding totally generic..

the stuff lustmord did may be total shit on this album, like is said i havent heard it yet....but there is ambient music out there that i have much respect for...some of it has a bit more of a pulse to it than lustmords stuff...but, lustmord writes some fucking horrifying ambient shit...no other music really scares me...so i think that is definately an accomplishment...his way of arrangement, close attention to texture and detail and dynamic in his compositions are very sophisticated and really really interesting in my opinion...
but what it really comes down to is whether or not you like it...if you don't you don't..but i don't think its fair to label ambient artists as hacks...ive made some ambient music that im very proud of...

EGO the Living Planet

I don't think it's really fair to decide that all of the ambient noises are Lustmord's and all of the "rock" is the MELVINS. Quite a bit of the "noise" is consistant with stuff the MELVINS were doin' Collosus Of Destiny, HAT, Electroretard, and Honky and some of the "rock" (including "The Bloated Pope") reminds me of some of the more "rock" parts of the one Lustmord album I've heard (I think it's called "Paradise Denied"). I don't think the noises on POTRE sound slapped on in the least. To me the record definately builds a mood and creates a great dark and spooky yet fun atmosphere (much like a good horror movie, does this album remind anyone else of Goblin?). I think the naysayers so far are not "getting it" (appologies, I hate that overused phrase, but it fits here).  I seriously cannot imagine why someone familiar with The MELVINS (especially if they are also familiar with Lustmord) would be surprised by this record.

While I defineatly want another new 100% MELVINS record, I think all this collaboration stuff is great, and I even want more. Bring on "Mike and The MELVINS"!

While there's defineatley some serious rockin' on HAT I bet if you did a minute to minute count (I'm too Lazy), there's more "noise".


i finally found it on soulseek...

ego, i totally agree man..i don't like to say it either but it seems people aren't really grasping this release..
i definately hear TONS of collaboration between the melvins and lustmord..it doesn't sound divided at all...there are shining points for both contributors, yes...but you can hear lots of what sounds like lustmord over some of the more rocking stuff and vice versa....i think this cd is great...it doesn't sound cut up at all...i think it all gels together really well..
the only song that kind of sounds choppy is one transition in the title track...the rest flows very nicely...ive heard about 80 percent so far and i love all of it...even if i dont like the other 20 percent as much, which doesn't seem likely, i still say its a strong release. buzz doesn't do as many vocals but the instrumental parts kick major ass and what lustmord does to carry the songs makes up for it..

the title track fucking owns



could someone please tell me what is MIKE AND THE MELVINS?


mike kunka of godheadSilo, im shure you would LOVE godheadSilo, go to www.godheadsilo.com and download Relationshit and Chuckanut overdrive, you will be bedazzled!

and frazzled!

they are on my top five bands list! :D