What were the first few Melvins albums you went and bought?

Started by Dumpster D, October 11, 2011, 05:43:04 PM

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Buying High On Fire's 'Blessed Black Wings' in '05 there was a sticker on the cover that said "For fans of Slayer, Motorhead, Melvins". I thought "never heard of them, strange name, lets check 'em out". I looked on Allmusic guide and they had 200 releases. Going by reviews Stoner Witch and The Bootlicker had the best ratings so i took the plunge and ordered both. Bootlicker arrived in the post first and the vocals really reminded me of British Indie act The Charlatans.  8-[ I thought hey this is pretty cool, interesting, bizarre, laidback stuff. I like this. Then a few days later Stoner Witch arrived and tore my head off. "WTF is this???"  :lol: :lol:

I quickly got all the rest of the records and was amazed that with each one i purchased, EVERY album impressed me. I was gobsmacked and suddenly a big Melvins fan. Then i brought Colossus haha!

It still amazes and disappoints me that i was completely oblivious and lived a Melvins free existence right up until 2005 and the age of 27.  #-o #-o

black stallion

Quote from: )))((( on October 12, 2011, 06:25:59 AM
Bootlicker arrived first in the post and the vocals really reminded me of British Indie act The Charlatans.



Quote from: black stallion on October 12, 2011, 06:29:02 AM
Quote from: )))((( on October 12, 2011, 06:25:59 AM
Bootlicker arrived first in the post and the vocals really reminded me of British Indie act The Charlatans.
I know. It was a passing similarity i must say tho in retrospect.


Someone gave me a GPT cassette, but the first album I bought was the Bullhead LP.

The last album I bought was the Endless Residency orange 8xLP box set (No.8)


The Trilogy. I think of the three The Crybaby was the first one I got.


gluey on cassette. 1990. literally played it every day for a year and a half.
bullhead and eggnog on cassette 1991
stonerwitch day it came out
same for houdini.
"Mess with the best, trolled like the rest." - Jacket Man.


Houdini was my first, also in 2005, maybe late 2004, when I was like 14/15.. After discovering Nirvana a bit more, I decided to listen to some of their influences, and ordered a cheap cd version of Houdini.. After a few listens I ordered Stoner Witch, Stag and Ozma :)

dijk cheese

saw them live, didn't know what to make of them, noisy fuckers. i liked it. kev's bass playing and antics stuck in my mind inspired me to borrow a bass (always was into electronica/ scratching records/turntablism to this point). dales hitting of the drums were long talked about with work colleagues.
bought HAT thought it was alright at first.
bought lysol, took it back to my house where i had a kick ass pa left over from a party/gig in my room which i decided to set up to listen to the album. listened to it with two friends. all 3 quite drunk. the place shook. we couldn't believe what we were listening too. that was great, and very memorable. still have the memory of where the bass kicks in the 2nd verse whatever (yknow doon duunnn), we all looked at each other and laughed.
bought ozma and literally felt... i've been waiting my whole life to hear this type of stuff.
and yeah... 
i say i can't, but i really mean i won't.

the bloat

QuoteStoner Witch from BMG record club  :lol:

Me too! But, it was too much to absorb at the time. I listened to it a few times and shelved it for awhile. This was the mid-90's and I'd never heard anything this strange. My next one was Houdini. Then I think I purchased everything as it was released, sprinkling in the older stuff when I could.

Mount Ambulance

Grabbed GPT shortly after it came out ... I was 14yrs. old and a fan of other stuff on Alchemy and my buddy recommeded this as something I would love - he was right! And pretty much just kept getting 'em when new ones dropped ... dropped the ball a bit in the Atlantic era and missed out on a couple of those ... but when I saw the Trilogy ... it all just started up again ... and just keeps going ... and going ... and ...



first was houdini and shortly after gluey porch ipecac release.
these were the only ones hmv in oxford uk stocked at the time, and gradually i got more and more,
think i got nearly all there cds this way, definately everything ipecac put out, also was really surprised one day when they started stocking the solo albums. didnt really start going to decent record fairs until around the same time i got the internet.
i didnt get a computer till 2004, and finding out anything about the band seemed really hard before that.
once i got online i soon learnt about all the singles and merch and have tracked most of it down since 2004.
"To be honest i've kind of gone off the band a bit now. I just like to hang out on here because of everyone else."
-jules from brighton quoting - Ian from Staffs.


GPT in 87 or 88. Introduced to me by Dominic Dodd from Stockport, Manchester at the end of Runway 09 at RAF Leuchars Air Force Base, Scotland (now Dr. Dominic Dodd), to whom grateful thanks, etc.

The next one I REMEMBER buying was Prick in 1994, at Soundhouse Records in Coventry.

What happened in between is lost. What happened afterwards is mostly lost, too. I suppose I bought them one at a time, in order, as they were released. I loved them from the first moment. One unusual thing I DO remember: when I bought my copy of Stag on vinyl from a record shop in Birmingham, it was sealed with a copy of Interstellar Overdrive in it. There were Stags without I.O. and a couple with. Anyone else see this? It might have even been the record shop sealing them together if they couldn't sell the Floyd cover.


I am totally blanking on what album I bought first, (?) I do remember the first time I saw the Melvins, it was at a Ipecac showcase with bands like ISIS, Mike Patton, Dillinger Escape Plan, ...and then the Melvins came on to close the show, I thought..this  Buzz fellow is mighty impressive on guitar...yes.. this is what fun sounds like,,,,or something,,,,Alfunso