Favourite album with BB

Started by black stallion, January 04, 2012, 03:50:22 AM

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what's your favourite album with the Big Business boys

21 (52.5%)
10 (25%)
9 (22.5%)

Total Members Voted: 40


The Freshness of ASA was great.  I think that the rest of the BB colaborations are just more of the same with certain variations.  My top five would be. 
In no certain order.    Bullhead, Lysol, Pigs of the Roman Empire, Hostile Ambiant Takeover, Stag. 

If I had to move to an island or participate in that bachelor program these are what I would take to sheild me from the elements Rain, Wind, Semen, and fire.


Quote from: Afterbirthmilkshake on January 04, 2012, 03:44:35 PM
Rain, Wind, Semen, and fire.

Nice to see some soul/R&B mentioned on here

...waaaait a minute

Metalhead Cow

Quote from: Illusionator on January 04, 2012, 03:46:44 PM
Quote from: Afterbirthmilkshake on January 04, 2012, 03:44:35 PM
Rain, Wind, Semen, and fire.

Nice to see some soul/R&B mentioned on here

...waaaait a minute


As for me, my favorite album with Jared and Coady is definately The Bride Screamed Murder.


Almost all Melvins LPs are fucking ace!
But of the newer ones (post 2000), HAT and ASA are above the rest for me.
--- Heavy user ---

Uncle Fester

I hear ya stallion.... i thought nwb and bride were much better until i actually went back and listened to asa again.
NWB is second best.


Definitely ASA... it's just a killer heavy ass rock grunge metal groove album!

I liked NWB initially more than I do now. And I still don't like most of the stuff on BSM... production wise, those albums also aren't as good as ASA.


Nude With Boots which I really liked from the moment I first heard it.

(A)SA has really grown on me over time and I rate that a close second.

The last album isn't even worth mentioning and hopefully the next album comes out when they actually have an album's worth of songs.

Metalhead Cow

Ouch. What does everyone have against The Bride Screamed Murder?


Nothing, its just sub par that's all.  :(


I'm a fairly newer Melvins fan, but I have to say TBSM is my favorite Melvins LP. It has their heavier components, but also some of their more energetic thrashing, as well as weird experiments dropped in. It's everything I like about the band tied together.


Quote from: johnnyg on January 06, 2012, 01:29:38 PM
I'm a fairly newer Melvins fan, but I have to say TBSM is my favorite Melvins LP. It has their heavier components, but also some of their more energetic thrashing, as well as weird experiments dropped in. It's everything I like about the band tied together.

All that is true. Unfortunately, you heard most of it done better on their other albums.


Quote from: )))((( on January 04, 2012, 05:38:32 AM
I went with NWB but its a close call with (A)SA. I still think Bride is really underwhelming tho. A couple of decent songs but kinda half assed for me. Oh and Sugar Daddy is pretty great actually but i dont see that as a "proper", proper album.
"Mess with the best, trolled like the rest." - Jacket Man.


TBSM seem too thrown together to me.  It's just not cohesive and seems to try hard at being wierd.  The Melvins have never seemed like they needed to try all that hard at this. it just seems too over the top.  NWB was pretty good and ASA was great.  but it seems to me that these three albums point downhill.  This is not to say that I don't love the melvins because I do.  I think that they have accomplished more than just about any band ever. Even Black Flag had their albums that were not as good (In my Head).  And that relates directly to this topic because even a bad Black Flag album or Melvins album is still better than most other things by far.   


Senile Animal, close call with Nude with Boots which I enjoy a lot more now than when I first listened to it. I like The Bride Screamed Murder but I haven't had the Melvins' illumination with it (yet?).


The problem is that the first & last song overshadow all the normal rock music the middle (except the one which is esentially a BB song right in the middle of the album). They should have just ran with the vocal harmonising.