Melvins Lite - Freak Puke

Started by connor272, February 16, 2012, 12:49:23 PM

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Quote from: Illusionator on May 31, 2012, 09:42:23 AM
Quote from: Pound4abrown on May 31, 2012, 09:34:50 AM
Quote from: Uncle Fester on May 31, 2012, 09:22:28 AM
I don't see why some of you just don't listen to it already.
it's been officially offered up as far as I'm concerned, the quality isn't noticebly bad as far as streaming goes either.... I just don't get it :?
are you guys mentally ill?

I don't get it either. But this phenomenon is not just relegated to Melvins fans. There are a lot of people that like to crumple and fetish the artwork and read liner notes/lyrics during the first listen to an album. This kind of fandom is something I totally get, being the kind of guy who always listens to full albums, and not one to put his ipod on shuffle.  But when it is right there, to listen to, guilt free; it doesn't make much sense to me.

Nah for me it's the fact that I have shitty speakers on my computer, I could play it off of the internet through my PS3 and play it through the A/V system, but it still isn't my stereo, so I wanna wait for something I can play through that. I'm gonna buy it anyway, so want to listen to it first time through a decent system, afterwards a shit will not be given how I hear it, 2 tin cans and a bit of string or through a virgin otter's cloaca...

I have a shitty lap-top didn't stop me, but yeah I understand where you're coming from, even if I can't releate. I am by no means an audiophile.


Quote from: MrLuck87 on May 31, 2012, 09:54:15 AM
Is the stream gone?!?!  When I click the link it takes me to the same page but the band is now "Scissor Sisters" and the album is "Magic Hour".   Google searching isn't really helping me find the album either.  :?

That is strange, I'm listening to it now.

Edit to add, if you go to that link the Scissor Sisters is the first album they are streaming, Freak Puke is on the last page. Still there.

Mad Arab

Dag nabbit, I couldn't wait knowing the Melvins already have made it available to stream legit. I'm listening to it now as I type.

First impressions:

I like the first song so far...great stuff.

Just now starting the second one...Nice beginning...nice understated standup basswork

Yes, the third track is quite awesome. Noticing faint dialogue in the background due to the live mic on the standup bass. Is it intentional??? Maybe. The bass freakouts remind me of some looney tunes chaos which is always cool.

Worm Farm Waltz, the fourth track, is cool and vocals remind me at times of some Gene Simmons-esque harmonies in classic Kiss mode.

A Growing Disgust's beginning main riff, is reminiscient of Stoner Witch. Me likey alot.

Have already heard Leon Vs the Liberals before and have already given my seal of approval. It brings the Melvins rock.

Holy Barbarians-weird, short and cool.

Freak Puke from the starting riff is a great song but the "come on man" part annoys me.

Let Me Roll It...I loved Loved LOVED the live version cover. Now we are blessed with a studio version! Thank you!!! The Melvins have always taken covers and made them theirs. McCartney and Wings should thank THEM!

Tommy Goes Beserk another weird offering starting off in the Holy Barbarian vein. Bootlicker and Stag comes to mind listening to this as it progresses...half way through with Buzz anti-soloing/jamming fading into some reverse dialogue that swiftly fades into some more stand up bass and then a little pause of quiet and then weird loops of noise that is played forward and then reverse effected with echo and who knows what else. The end.

Overall first impression: very happy with this album.

Rusty Shackleford

I am happy to be alive while this is happening. 

This record makes me want to move my body.  There is movement all over this thing.  It may be because there is only Dale back there.  I think that is it, but I could be wrong.   


Quote from: Rusty Shackleford on May 31, 2012, 01:57:40 PM
I am happy to be alive while this is happening.
I'd be happy to be dead while this is happening.  :)


Listening to it now and I am getting ready to start Holy Barbarians. So far it is all the awesomeness I was hoping it would be.
May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits.


Quote from: EvilNewWarGod on May 31, 2012, 02:01:12 PM
Listening to it now and I am getting ready to start Holy Barbarians. So far it is all the awesomeness I was hoping it would be.

Holy Barbarians is one of my favorite tracks on the album, can't exactly put my finger on why, I just dig it. Sometimes that alone is enough.

Metalhead Cow

or through a virgin otter's cloaca...



Just got an email from Newbury that my CD shipped today!
There's a lot of things blamed on me that never happened.  But then, there's a lot of things that I did that I never got caught at.

Metalhead Cow

Quote from: )))((( on May 31, 2012, 05:28:40 AM
Quote from: (PAUL) on May 30, 2012, 08:35:44 PM
Where's ian, did he give this a listen yet? I ask because I know he said he wanted to hear it before buying it and throwing out the case.
Just listened through it PAUL. It's better than i was perhaps expecting. I've only heard it once so im a little tentative to judge yet but it sounds like a cool little album. 'Mr Rip Off' turned out to be a fair bit better than i expected it to be too. Alas, yes the cover and case still go tho im afraid.

Quote from: homeless_dad on May 30, 2012, 09:00:52 PM
I love how its not just buying it, It's buying it and throwing out the case. 
Oh, but he recycles.  Al Gore would be proud.
Why thank you i play my part. I wonder if i can star in Mr Gore's next informative Pro-Green flick now?

Quote from: homeless_dad on May 30, 2012, 09:13:45 PM
Quote from: Metalhead Cow on May 30, 2012, 08:55:26 PM
Is Ian ((()))?
((())) is the evil twin.
He most certainly is! You don't want to go messing with that guy. I've heard his place is full of clutter too! My word.  :-&

I just realized that I typed your name wrong-I typed ((())) instead of )))(((. My apologies, Ian the parenthesis hoarder.  :)

Metalhead Cow

I still haven't listened to Freak Puke, but I'm excited with all these comparisons to HAT, Stag, Bootlicker, Sonic Youth-esque middle section of Tommy Goes Beserk, different, yet familiar etc. comments.   :D


great first few tracks, only wish dales drums were recorded with less reverb,


Quote from: Metalhead Cow on May 31, 2012, 03:15:47 PM
I just realized that I typed your name wrong-I typed ((())) instead of )))(((. My apologies, Ian the parenthesis hoarder.  :)
That's okay. When i first signed up on here everyone else did exactly the same. It took about a year for people to get it right.  :lol: :lol:

I actually probably prefer people to use my actual name anyway. I see the )))((( bit as more of a symbol there than a username.


Quote from: )))((( on May 31, 2012, 03:26:56 PM
Quote from: Metalhead Cow on May 31, 2012, 03:15:47 PM
I just realized that I typed your name wrong-I typed ((())) instead of )))(((. My apologies, Ian the parenthesis hoarder.  :)
That's okay. When i first signed up on here everyone else did exactly the same. It took about a year for people to get it right.  :lol: :lol:

I actually probably prefer people to use my actual name anyway. I see the )))((( bit as more of a symbol there than a username.

I like your symbol more than Pince's symbol from the 90's.


Quote from: Metalhead Cow on May 31, 2012, 03:15:47 PM

I just realized that I typed your name wrong-I typed ((())) instead of )))(((. My apologies, Ian the parenthesis hoarder.  :)

I'm not sure but I think you may have just called him an asshole.   :lol:
"Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care." - Richie Goodtimes

Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care.