Recount your first exposure to the Melvins, did you like them?

Started by ZILLA, February 18, 2014, 09:11:58 AM

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buddy holiday

Quote from: Clive on February 19, 2014, 08:00:54 AM
Geek show tour, supporting Tomahawk.
For the first and so far only time in my life I've fallen in love with a man and I later found out is name was Kevin.
hey that tour was my first live melvins experience too - 2003 rote fabrik zurich as opening act for tomahawk.

black stallion



Is Ian back yet??

Captain CoryCory

I seen a used copy of Houdini and loved the album cover, thus bought it on a whim. This was late 2004, early 2005 so I was giving anything a fair shake pretty fearlessly. I liked most of what I heard but I wasn't exactly rabid about that album yet I was curious enough to give more music a fair shake.

The next respective albums I bought in their discography were Stoner Witch, Lysol and Salad of a Thousand Delights. Salad made me REALLY want the songs off of that so the hunt began for Bullhead, Eggnog and eventually stumbling on Senile Animal and Gluey Porch Treatments. I was hooked by 06 and impressed by their seemingly endless discography. Then 09 hits and look who comes to town with Down. The week of blowing up a Cadillac to see this band was ultimately worth it.

It's been a fun journey listening to them! I've liked most of their albums, turned half a dozen people on to them and took two of my friends to their first live experience which happened to be The Melvins.

linoleum blownapart

I have posted this before, but I like to tell the story.  We had road tripped to Austin to see Ed Hall, I was a big fan of theirs (still am). First time I saw the Melvins, Ed Hall was opening for them in 1990.  I had never heard of the Melvins before that night.  They were ok and I saw them a few times over the following years.  Was not until Stag came out I became a real fan.
thrower of the bong water balloons

black stallion

Quote from: homeless_dad on February 19, 2014, 10:03:40 AM
Quote from: black stallion on February 19, 2014, 09:45:30 AM
That album left a sour taste that took a long while to accept.

i really love that album now, it was a bit shocking after the first listen though. bought Stoner Witch after that and immediately thought they were (are) the best band ever


I saw them open for Primus in 1993 at Roseland Ballroom in NYC.

I fucking hated the Melvins set...and joined in on booing along with everyone else.

I haven't listened to Primus since that year.

No time to even begin describing how much the Melvins have been in my life since.

I often think about going back to that night knowing better...I bet they destroyed, as they have all of the many, many times I have seen them play since.

(the) Razor

Quote from: m3kcomp on February 20, 2014, 12:57:26 AM
No time to even begin describing how much the Melvins have been in my life since.

I agree. I try and live by Buzz's philosophy of not caring what anyone else thinks of you and that hard work eventually pays off.
Don't click this


First time I heard of the Melvins-'93, opening for Primus. Didn't go because I had just seen Primus on Lollapalooza, and was not impressed(they could mail it in at festivals). I thought the name Melvins sounded like a band that wore matching suits. My friends went to that show, and said that the Melvins sucked. I had a feeling that they were full of it.
First time I heard the Melvins music-'94, I was going to see them open for L7. I bought Prick, hated it, sold it.
First time I saw the Melvins live-'94, opening for L7. I was blown away by their musicianship, and the "we don't care what you think of us" demeanor. Been a Melvins fan ever since, pretty much done with L7 after that show.
First Melvins album I bought after selling Prick-Stoner Witch-'94. I loved it, but was a little concerned that there was some filler (3 minutes of noise as an intro, 11 minutes of the same bass guitar riff).
First Melvins album I bought that convinced me that they were my favorite band-Stag-'96.
"Get off of our stage. If you want on this stage, get in show business." -King Buzzo
"Yeah, we don't come in the 7-11 where you work and get up on the counter." -Mark D