Melvins 2015 Dates

Started by jules, December 01, 2014, 11:23:36 AM

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Quote from: jules on August 13, 2015, 04:42:17 AM
The only time I've seen a gun waved around threateningly was in Manchester city centre when we were on our way to a punk show at (I think) the Star & Garter in the early 90s. One small group of lads started dissing another and before you knew it, a gun was produced. I was intrigued but the guy I was with grabbed me, did a rapid 180 and got us out.

Guns have been swapped for hipsters and students, they're fucking everywhere in Manchester now!


That poster was used for the 2011 EU tour as well. Not complaining though, it's a great poster.

Precious Pupp

These fools need to add a Scottish date....Edinburgh preferably although happy to do Glasgow.

I'm on holiday at some point in Oct so Manchester may be on the cards....begrudgingly!!!

Precious Pupp

Quote from: StrangerDanger on August 12, 2015, 04:37:00 AM
Quote from: maffymaff on August 12, 2015, 03:53:41 AM
Finally a date in the north!

9th October - Melvins (plus Big Business) Gorilla, Manchester UK
Tickets on sale now.

Manchester too? Not far to go from Lyme, Ian!

Ok so this means Big Business are playing with Melvins as well as opening right?


Has two bands with ridicolous names.


Come to London the 10th, scotsman!


you all should come to vienna on the 28th!!!
Has two bands with ridicolous names.

buddy holiday

Quote from: StrangerDanger on August 18, 2015, 04:00:05 AM
Come to London the 10th, scotsman!
yeah grandmaster, i'll be there too. would be cool to meet you again.


Grandmaster touref Buddy and wifey, I was in France when Buddy and wife were in Bergen!

the ether bunny

Quote from: jules on August 12, 2015, 05:42:51 PM
Aug 26 - Pioneertown, CA Pappy & Harriet's sadcorps
Aug 27 - Casbah - San Diego, CA  amazonAMAZON
Aug 28 - The Observatory - Santa Ana, CA
Aug 29 - The Sayers Club - Las Vegas, NV
Aug 30 - Urban Lounge - Salt Lake City, UT
Sept 1 - Neurolux - Boise, ID
Sept 3 - The Bartlett - Spokane, WA Satchel Paige  GiveMe45?
Sept 5 - Vancouver, BC - Venue
Sept 6 - Seattle, WA - Bumbershoot  Idle, Satchel Paige
Sept 7 - Portland, OR - Wonder Ballroom   Idle GiveMe45 deatheats
Sept 9 -San Francisco, CA - Great American Music Hall  GrimReaper Idle Uncle Danny the ether bunny

September 13 - Bristol, England - Exchange jules
September 14 - Brighton, England - Concorde 2 jules
September 15 - Tilburg, The Netherlands - Midi Theater - Incubate Festival Alex- Michael Jordan jules
September 16 - Tilburg, The Netherlands - Midi Theater - Incubate Festival Alex- Michael Jordan jules
September 18 - Angers, France - Le Chabada - Levitation France Festival
September 19 - Paris, France - Le Bataclan jules Garnz
September 20 - Belfort, France - La Poudriere
September 21 - Cologne, Germany - Underground jules
September 22 - Hamburg, Germany
September 23 - Bremen, Germany - Lagerhaus
September 24 - Berlin, Germany - Berghain/Panorama Bar Garnz
September 25 - Leipzig, Germany - UT Connewitz
September 26 - Prague, Czech Republic - Futurum
September 27 - Budapest, Hungary - A38
September 28 - Vienna, Austria - Arena Drumfreak
September 29 - Zagreb, Croatia - Mochvara
September 30 - Bologna, Italy - Locomotiv
October 1 - Milan, Italy - Leoncavallo jules  Black Stallone
October 2 - Feyzin, France - L'Epicerie Moderne
October 3 - Pratteln, Switzerland - Z7 Konzertfabrik (Up In Smoke Festival) buddy holiday
October 5 - Munich, Germany - Hansa 39
October 6 - Frankfurt, Germany - Zoom
October 8 - Reading, England - Sub 89 jules
October 9 - Manchester, England - Gorilla
October 10 - London, England - Electric Ballroom jules buddy holiday StrangerDanger

See ya in SF ya punks.
he was a mongoloid.


Aug 26 - Pioneertown, CA Pappy & Harriet's sadcorps
Aug 27 - Casbah - San Diego, CA  amazonAMAZON
Aug 28 - The Observatory - Santa Ana, CA
Aug 29 - The Sayers Club - Las Vegas, NV
Aug 30 - Urban Lounge - Salt Lake City, UT
Sept 1 - Neurolux - Boise, ID
Sept 3 - The Bartlett - Spokane, WA Satchel Paige  GiveMe45?
Sept 5 - Vancouver, BC - Venue
Sept 6 - Seattle, WA - Bumbershoot  Idle, Satchel Paige
Sept 7 - Portland, OR - Wonder Ballroom   Idle GiveMe45 deatheats
Sept 9 -San Francisco, CA - Great American Music Hall  GrimReaper Idle Uncle Danny the ether bunny

September 13 - Bristol, England - Exchange jules Der L
September 14 - Brighton, England - Concorde 2 jules
September 15 - Tilburg, The Netherlands - Midi Theater - Incubate Festival Alex- Michael Jordan jules Lunica
September 16 - Tilburg, The Netherlands - Midi Theater - Incubate Festival Alex- Michael Jordan jules Lunica
September 18 - Angers, France - Le Chabada - Levitation France Festival
September 19 - Paris, France - Le Bataclan jules Garnz
September 20 - Belfort, France - La Poudriere
September 21 - Cologne, Germany - Underground jules
September 22 - Hamburg, Germany - Logo
September 23 - Bremen, Germany - Lagerhaus
September 24 - Berlin, Germany - Berghain/Panorama Bar Garnz
September 25 - Leipzig, Germany - UT Connewitz
September 26 - Prague, Czech Republic - Futurum
September 27 - Budapest, Hungary - A38
September 28 - Vienna, Austria - Arena Drumfreak
September 29 - Zagreb, Croatia - Mochvara
September 30 - Bologna, Italy - Locomotiv
October 1 - Milan, Italy - Leoncavallo jules  Black Stallone Ruspa
October 2 - Feyzin, France - L'Epicerie Moderne
October 3 - Pratteln, Switzerland - Z7 Konzertfabrik (Up In Smoke Festival) buddy holiday
October 5 - Munich, Germany - Hansa 39
October 6 - Frankfurt, Germany - Zoom
October 8 - Reading, England - Sub 89 jules
October 9 - Manchester, England - Gorilla maffymaff
October 10 - London, England - Electric Ballroom jules buddy holiday StrangerDanger


I dont wanna crush any dreams for european big biz lovers but the Melvins page just posted the tour dates with the following captions:

US-tour (with big biz)

European tour

I´m taking a really wild guess and say maybe that means that they´re touring Europe with Pinkus.
Has two bands with ridicolous names.


"Get off of our stage. If you want on this stage, get in show business." -King Buzzo
"Yeah, we don't come in the 7-11 where you work and get up on the counter." -Mark D

black stallion

Quote from: drumfreak:) on August 19, 2015, 09:57:02 AM
I dont wanna crush any dreams for european big biz lovers but the Melvins page just posted the tour dates with the following captions:

US-tour (with big biz)

European tour

I´m taking a really wild guess and say maybe that means that they´re touring Europe with Pinkus.

if you ask me it's impossible they tour with a different line up than BB. they have just a few days off after the US tour  and before leaving for Europe. i doubt they change their set up and set list..i hope i'm wrong tho