Melvins Stickers

Started by ZILLA, January 25, 2015, 10:23:36 PM

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Bump. This is on eBay at the moment:


Lately I've been seeing a car in my neighborhood a lot with a sticker of the recent raven/crow logo design on its back windshield. It has a million other bumper stickers, all for 90s 'grunge' bands (Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, L7, Stone Temple Pilots, Foo Fighters, and TAD off the top of my head, plus the obligatory Sub Pop logo) but the Melvins sticker is so prominently-displayed that it's always the first one my eye goes to on the road and always makes me happy to see.

More-on-topic though, wow, Jules, that Skeleton patch/sticker is badass.

Dumpster D

Get some Podge and print off a few things, cut them out, stick em over shitty Pins or buttons and paste em down...BaM Melvins buttons.


Stickers for sale. £10 each (GBP 10 each) with free shipping from the UK. Bullhead counts as one. PM me with your desires. First come first served.


there was a guy on the fb page that remade the anniversary sticker and gave them out to people. I got 3, and made one into a magnet so I can throw it on anything.(I change cars a lot due to employment)
"Mess with the best, trolled like the rest." - Jacket Man.

Dumpster D

Quote from: jules on January 12, 2020, 07:13:20 AM
Stickers for sale. £10 each (GBP 10 each) with free shipping from the UK. Bullhead counts as one. PM me with your desires. First come first served.

(1:18) DuDe!!!

I swear the Drummer in this vid has one of those KISS style melvins stickers on his tom, you can kinda see it's a black sticker with Green font~

...I want!!!


Quote from: FartLips on January 14, 2020, 11:45:32 PM
I got 3, and made one into a magnet so I can throw it on anything.
Except aluminium, presumably.   :nerd:


Quote from: jules on February 26, 2020, 10:13:30 AM
Quote from: FartLips on January 14, 2020, 11:45:32 PM
I got 3, and made one into a magnet so I can throw it on anything.
Except aluminium, presumably.   :nerd:
Or an MRI machine. It'll actually demagnetize a weak magnet.
Is Ian back yet??


anybody ever buy stickers from here?

They aren't official but some look pretty nice...