If the Melvin played the Superbowl.

Started by Jaron, February 01, 2015, 07:36:03 PM

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What would they play? How would it go down? Who would they bring with them?

I would like to hear them play AMAZON or Hooch and maybe some stuff of A Senile Animal? (Civilized Worm? You've Never Been Right?)

I'm sure they might bring some unknowns up there with them, just not sure who? (David Yow?)

As far as the show its self, shit the possibilities that could come out of Mackie's or Haze's head.

Hope some of you are enjoying the game.



Play a condensed COD, with the graphics of melvins.com in the background (barfing baby, elephant eluding a cursor).
"Get off of our stage. If you want on this stage, get in show business." -King Buzzo
"Yeah, we don't come in the 7-11 where you work and get up on the counter." -Mark D


Quote from: meezer on February 01, 2015, 10:03:13 PM
Play a condensed COD, with the graphics of melvins.com in the background (barfing baby, elephant eluding a cursor).

I knew it wouldn't be long before someone mentioned COD.


Brain center at whipples
Buzz spitting fire, ala Gene Simmons
Is Ian back yet??


I would love to see buzz, dale and whoever else to dress like kiss and play smells like teen spirit with leif all coked out. Then bring in jello
"This is America. I don't want a tomato picked by a Mexican. I want it picked by an American, then sliced by a Guatemalan and served by a Venezuelan in a spa where a Chilean gives me a Brazilian." - Stephen Colbert


funny this topic was mentioned because i thought about this last night, about how i was listening to Ozma over and over during last years Superbowl. i think maybe i took a pause between to witness Bruno Mars and the tragedy that was the RHCP. other than that, i couldn've been bothered except for Ozma blasting in the background.

weird how you remember stuff like that. so on that note, ill say OZMA!!!!


again, too weird. I was thinking about the same thing last night.

what if?

what would they play?
Cater to the masses and play their more accessible tracks like honey bucket, revolve, civilized worm, nude with boots, the kicking machine?

I love the guys, and wouldn't be mad at them for playing those tracks. I mean i'm pretty sure they don't have an ipecac 401k plan.
Any opportunity for them to gain monetary success for the present and the future would be a very wise decision.

Or would they play songs that define their sound? Boris, Hung/Roman (maybe a bit too long)?

Or could they even drop a cover? Let me roll it? ballad of dwight frye? sacrifice?

They could even give a big FUCK YOU, to the public and the industry, and play something really obscure, like COD or a Prick song or something from stag.

In the end, I wouldn't mind them doing a slow, muddy Boris, a fast Zodiac, a bone crunching Your Blessened, and a lethal dosage of Night Goat.

"Sweet Melinda, the peasants call her the goddess of gloom.
She speaks good English and she invites you up into her room."


Is Ian back yet??


a related question... which extra special secret guests would they bring out?
"Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care." - Richie Goodtimes

Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care.


Quote from: glen on February 03, 2015, 12:28:29 PM
a related question... which extra special secret guests would they bring out?
Maynard!  :lol:
No, in all seriousness, Patton.
Not a bad time to unleash the 3 bass behemoth.  :evil:
"Get off of our stage. If you want on this stage, get in show business." -King Buzzo
"Yeah, we don't come in the 7-11 where you work and get up on the counter." -Mark D

Chief Ten Beers

They'd bring out the Kirkwood Brothers and play "Touchdown King". :D



The lights would go out as the band sings the Star Spangled Banner.

Afterwards PA rushes a guitar out to Buzz and he starts to play Honey Bucket with it being their biggest song.  The stage is revealed and it's a barn theme complete with sheep.  The crowd goes nuts as they continue into Hooch.

Suddenly the lights go out as David Bowie is lowered into the crowd on a giant flying star as he sings the intro to Space Oddity.  Once he lands on stage The Melvins start to play Station to Station and the stage now has a space theme complete with back up dancers.

Finally for the closer the remaining members of Queen join them on stage for a performance of Best Friend.  The crowd goes nuts and world peace is declared.
Buttholeman is a power tripping emotional abuser.  He censors my posts and says I need mental health help.  He's a jerk.  Please don't listen to him.  People DO love and respect your opinions.  I'm one of those people.  I love you. PM me if you're stressed.

Start with the following link if you feel sad:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O3ZQPezglQ