QUI are planning a Captain Beefheart cover with Dale and Trevor

Started by Oscar, April 29, 2016, 07:51:40 AM

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I talked to Matt from QUI and he said that they're fixing to record Ashtray Heart with Dale and Trevor on drums and bass.
Quite the lineup, quite the song.

Says it'll be out before the end of the year.


great, this guys of QUI are doing great stuffs. I've been purchasing their last 7 inches in last 2-3 years (hepa-titus included with the GREAT artwork by Mow Skwoz). Ill lokking forward for this, definitely. Thanks for the advice!

black stallion

picked these a few weeks ago

[attachment deleted by admin]

Chief Ten Beers

While I'm really not into the pop direction of Qui as of late(the split 7" w/ Watt & The Secondmen), this could be awesome. They already covered "Willie The Pimp" w/ Yow on the "Love's Miracle" album.

How great would it be if Melvins did an all Beefheart live set w/ Mike Watt on vox/bass? :shock:

Hands First Flower

There would be rejoicing amongst the enlightened, rejoicing I say
What a fabulous room. Are all these your guitars?

(the) Razor

Don't click this

shits and gigs


I found a little article about Qui's movements for 2016. Well, it says something about a next release in collaboration with Dunn plus other interesting stuffs


Hot Pants

the place where i sleep is cold and abandoned
you can't even fathom a hole being dug so deep


Quote from: Hot Pants on May 17, 2016, 10:24:45 PM
good choice from one of the greatest albums.

Right there with you.
I have been secretly fantasizing about Melvins doing Brickbats for way too long.

Hot Pants

the place where i sleep is cold and abandoned
you can't even fathom a hole being dug so deep


seriously great band.
Always have been.

This is awesome news.
Look forward to hearing it.
rocker, talker, etc.

Conan Neutron & the Secret Friends
Neutron/Ash/Crover (yes... THAT Crover.)


Tracking with King Buzzo, Trevor Dunn, and Toshi Kasai, Sound Of Sirens, Sun Valley, CA. 2016.


Im guessing that's Buzz appearing as a guest on a Qui record than the other way around.

Dumpster D

Quote from: ))))(((( on July 16, 2016, 12:37:43 PM
Im guessing that's Buzz appearing as a guest on a Qui record than the other way around.

Yeah, isnt there enough melvins collab stuff?

It should be the other way around to promote and spread the word about Qui.