King Buzzo with Trevor Dunn GIFT OF SACRIFICE album - Aug 2020

Started by amazonAMAZON, February 24, 2020, 03:16:24 PM

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The Melvins' King Buzzo has a new solo acoustic record called Gift of Sacrifice that comes out in May of 2020 followed by tours which will take him across the United States, Europe and parts beyond.

This is exciting news!

What makes this news even more exciting is that King Buzzo has recorded this record with the fabulously talented bass player Trevor Dunn. Trevor was a founding member of Mr. Bungle and also plays bass in the psycho metal/spaghetti western band Fantômas, as well as recording and touring with the Melvins (as Melvins Lite).

The addition of Trevor's stand-up bass makes Gift of Sacrifice a step up from King Buzzo's last acoustic record, This Machine Kills Artists. It gives this new record a haunted quality which drives the songs to a new level. Another new element is the addition of modular synth, which adds its own angular sounds to the acoustic guitar and bass. This is an odd combination of sounds not heard before on an all acoustic record.

9 Track Titles:

Mental Vomit
Housing, Luxury, Energy
I'm Glad I Could Help Out
Delayed Clarity
Junkie Jesus
Science In Modern America
Bird Animal
Mock She
Acoustic Junkie

black stallion


John Schuller



Im ever so slightly disappointed it wasn't a "proper" Melvins album but still this is excellent news!!! His first solo record is one of the best things he's done in the past 15 years and Freak Puke (with Dunn) was pretty great too. Hopefully this will hit those same dizzy heights. The mention of the modular synth is interesting too! Makes me think of what they did on some of the songs on Tres Cabrones. I wonder what Dale will do while Buzz is away on tour - another Crover solo record??

Sounds great!


Melvins merch site says pink vinyl already sold out? Hoping it just hasn't went up yet. This is the first I've seen of it.


This is really good. I hope there's a lot of this relaxed evil psychedelia. Feels a bit like Honky mixed in with the obvious solo and Lite stylings (if I have to make past references). I anticipate some noodling on the album, too. And maybe a History of Drinks style rave-up? Time to revisit TMKA, Freak Puke and Tres Cab again.


already has a date for the tour
May 29
40 Watt Club
Athens, GA

how is the pink already sold out. damn it
It's a satanic drug thing, you wouldn't understand!


Seems this record is pretty short in total, a mere 33:59!!

0.39   Mental Vomit
6:25   Housing, Luxury, Energy
2:55   I'm Glad I Could Help Out
6:34   Delayed Clarity
1:32   Junkie Jesus
5:05   Science In Modern America
4:52   Bird Animal
4:39   Mock She
1:17   Acoustic Junkie


So it looks more like an EP, then. I'm guessing the short ones are backward sounds and synthesizers. Oh well, maybe it's in the realm of Lysol, Egg Nog, and Bulls&Bees



"I can push over twelve year old girls easy." - Fart
kill yr idols
emperors wear no clothes
"We don't have alot of information right now, but for all we know monkeys might fly out of my butt"- rictus


Thanks. I figured once I realized it still had a add to cart button.


Quote from: amazonAMAZON on February 24, 2020, 08:28:21 PM
So it looks more like an EP, then.
Perhaps somewhat. I think at this point - and especially in the digital, no limits age - i really don't know what is an EP or LP! It's just music. I mean weirdly i personally consider the OFF records as "albums" even when they are under 20 minutes!! However i think it is interesting that recently Melvins releases have been getting a little shorter in duration. I mean 'Pinkus Abortion Technician' and both the 'Love' and 'Death' sides from the double album were all just under 38 minutes. Perhaps Buzz wants to focus in on what he is doing at the moment. To make things really concise and contained. For myself though, i always think 40 minutes or just under is the perfect length for impact and attention span.

the bloat