Buzz on Lydian Spin

Started by KirbyGizmo, June 26, 2020, 05:32:21 PM

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Cool. Thanks for sharing however do i really have to listen to Lydia for 45 minutes!! This is going to be painful!!!

Dumpster D

Quote from: ))))(((( on June 26, 2020, 05:33:18 PM
Cool. Thanks for sharing however do i really have to listen to Lydia for 45 minutes!! This is going to be painful!!!

45 minutes of Pain? Try putting up with you for over a decade.  :P


I had a listen to it last night. It wasn't as bad as i expected but it was (in parts) still pretty bad and cringeworthy. God the male host might have been even worse than Lydia. I felt sorry for Buzz in a way there. I like some of Lydia's music over the years but i can't stand her personality. Im sure i can't be the only one who thinks that here.


Quote from: ))))(((( on June 27, 2020, 06:18:14 AM
I had a listen to it last night. It wasn't as bad as i expected but it was (in parts) still pretty bad and cringeworthy. God the male host might have been even worse than Lydia. I felt sorry for Buzz in a way there. I like some of Lydia's music over the years but i can't stand her personality. Im sure i can't be the only one who thinks that here.

Yeah the male host was insufferable. Never a good listen when the interview subject can barely get a word in.


Quote from: Bigval on June 27, 2020, 08:41:39 PM
Never a good listen when the interview subject can barely get a word in.
That's one thing I've discovered i never like in any interviews. It's happened quite a few times with Buzz in the past too where he is on a show and they have multiple hosts. The numerous hosts always joke around and make fools of themselves. Saying all their stupid in jokes and quite disrespectfully making the interview about themselves and their lives. Every time I find some podcast like that with a public figure I enjoy hearing speak, I know im not going to enjoy it much. I much prefer serious interviews. Relaxed, calm, down to Earth and insightful discussions that are respectful and allow the person interviewed to speak without too much disruption. Not an excuse to create a brain numbing comedy show and shout all over them.

Speaking in a more broader sense about interviews. Those that Conan Neutron undertakes on his podcasts always mildly irritate me. The guy is quite clearly a decent fellow. A fun, light hearted and definitely respectful guy. But something about his personality (im not sure even quite what it is) really grates on me after a while. I always listen to his interviews but i do find it a struggle. I think it might just be his ever jolly, jokey, kind of goofy tone he always displays.


Quote from: ))))(((( on June 27, 2020, 08:56:00 PM
That's one thing I've discovered i never like in any interviews. It's happened quite a few times with Buzz in the past too where he is on a show and they have multiple hosts. The numerous hosts always joke around and make fools of themselves. Saying all their stupid in jokes and quite disrespectfully making the interview about themselves and their lives. Every time I find some podcast like that with a public figure I enjoy hearing speak, I know im not going to enjoy it much. I much prefer serious interviews. Relaxed, calm, down to Earth and insightful discussions that are respectful and allow the person interviewed to speak without too much disruption. Not an excuse to create a brain numbing comedy show and shout all over them.

I think it stems from the radio aspect of needing to create a 'brand' a reason for people to tune in each day or week because you want to hear what that person (or people) have to say about whatever. I've never understood that aspect of humanity myself and have never listened to radio for that very reason.

In my city we had a notable local radio 'shock jock' who was essentially a very grumpy old prick and would shit on everything. Oldies loved him even my mother when she got into her 60's started listening to him religiously. It became a trend with young people to ring up speak to him on air drag him along for a while and then say something you would know he would abuse you over and hang up on you. I did it myself one time pretending to be a druggie and he abused me called me a shit for brains and hung up on me lol 

QuoteSpeaking in a more broader sense about interviews. Those that Conan Neutron undertakes on his podcasts always mildly irritate me. The guy is quite clearly a decent fellow. A fun, light hearted and definitely respectful guy. But something about his personality (im not sure even quite what it is) really grates on me after a while. I always listen to his interviews but i do find it a struggle. I think it might just be his ever jolly, jokey, kind of goofy tone he always displays.

I'm not a big podcast guy for the reason above but I did listen to one of Conan's interviews with Coady from Big Business just to try and find out if they had any future with the Melvins and I remember finding Conan hard to listen to. I can't even remember what it was might've been the jokey life of the party type thing you said and I say that as someone who really enjoys his music and has bought all of his stuff except for the new album as I won't pay $10 USD (a good $15 AU) for a download so won't listen to it.