
Started by Goldi, July 17, 2003, 10:37:50 AM

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Quote from: AemonAnd what exactly is "Amenaza al Mondo"?

some people call the first fant
Mark T.


Quote from: AemonWould anybody out there be willing to trade for a copy of the whole show?

you can get most of it (if not all of it) if you do a
little digging around on here:


A while ago, the whole set used to be up for download. The main page on this website even had the link to it...I don't know if that's still around, see if you can find it



its interesting to hear melvins songs with patton makin shit

dont be stubborns (we called ppl like you bravčov


I don't have a problem with him mutilating the songs, I just thought the set that got on cd wasn't particularly good...I heard the artwork for that is pretty simple, too


I kind of like it (I'll give it a 7) but I was disappointed with it all the same. I was actually at the show and it was a blast. But the recording sucked and the song selection on the CD was lackluster.

I am big fan of Patton/Fantomas and to hear him sing Melvins' songs was fuckin' cool. The set opener-the super slowed down bass and drum version of Sacrifice with Buzz on main vocal and Patton on back up was stellar and it wasn't included?! What the fuck!!!


Quote from: Anonymous

I was actually at the show and it was a blast

im so fuckin jealous of you :)

where and when was it?
could you write something about the show?

do you have any pics of that?



Quote from: kurvacmon!

its interesting to hear melvins songs with patton makin shit

dont be stubborns (we called ppl like you bravčov

Mario Lemieux

Man, I really WANT to listen to this album, but then I put it on and the sound is SO bad it's like whatever! then I'm like ugh!...eew!  and I just go to the mall instead.


I never listen to it anymore, once or twice when I got it. It does sound pretty bad. Some tracks are ok.


To be a release of the the first Melvins concert of 2000 you have to settle for what you record.

Think of it as a bootleg.

I wish the Melvins would release as many concerts as they can afford to.


Now there's an idea.  I was at a show at the Crock a couple months ago and "they" were selling discs of the live show about 15 minutes after the show was over.  Damn!  who was that?  I'm gonna remember just give me a minute - i just did a monster bong load - and yes boys and girls it is True; this shit seriously fucks with your head.  For better or worse.
Meanwhile - I'll try again, who was that band?
Oh well Piss!  I just went searching thru all my ticket stubs and i still can't can't remember who the band was, but - they were playing the Crocodile after all, and my point is this- the technology and equipment (low cost) is already there (here!)  some bands are doing it already.
That's a perfect idea for the melvins.  Good thinking Dood - whoever posted that.  Cuz Now it's prob'ly Gonna happen!  yeah - just wait and see.
And then there's that whole tour thing that pearl jam did, or does.  
They do it over the internet, order the show ahead of time if you want, you get it in the mail 5-7 days later.  That's any show, every show.
I'm not kidding about that band that played the Crock and was selling cd's of that show 15 minutes after the show was over.


Millenium Monsterwerks.  Strangely, i was just listening to that this morning, first time in a long time.  i just can't take patton's Vocals.  
What a joke!  The music is pretty cool - some straight up melvins and some other stuff.  I gotta agree, it's at the bottom of my list of what i've got of the melvins.


yeah, i heard about selling cds of the show after the show, but i haven't been to one that's done it yet.  it's a good idea.  i went to primus a while ago and they were selling all of that tour for download on their site.  i'd have to say i'd be much more willing to buy a copy of the concert right after the show then any other time. ...ya know, you're all emotional and stuff...if it's good.  plus, it's the show YOU saw, not a compilation of the tour or a recording from some city you don't live in. i hope every body starts doing it, i've put so much work into tracking down crappy recordings of good shows i've been to.


this use to be a big secret before, but my band
does it, we've always recorded our shows and used
them as demos ---but the idea of selling multiple copies
afterwards never occured to me though!!!!  8)
all you'd need is a laptop with a burner built in and
pronto! thanks popeye, you rambling son-of-a-bitch !