Patience is not a virtue...

Started by ManWithNoName, March 21, 2006, 07:14:11 PM

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I ordered Lysol and Bootlicker two weeks ago from a store downtown. No call yet. I've ordered bullhead and ozma before and they've never taken that long.

Also next I'm thinking eggnog and maybe another one...


have you worn out your old copies or are you a first time buyer of these titles? Good choices btw


May all your dreams come true!

I will not kill you, Conda, perhaps only wound you with my razor-sharp axe. SCHNAP!!!  : )   - SchnabelA

Nuancing is for homo's.  - Norecess


Quote from: anaconda on March 21, 2006, 07:43:56 PM
have you worn out your old copies or are you a first time buyer of these titles? Good choices btw
First time buyer.



yes, awesome choices. and YES, definitely get Eggnog. that CD is just pure ass-rockin' fury... in a good way.

as for other albums (i assume you have all the ipecac stuff), i feel that Honky is really underrated.
also, if you don't have it, Stag is available from
i just got mine a few weeks ago. it took thema  month to get it in stock, but they eventually did.
"You guys don't fuck, do you?"
Kevin said that.


Quote from: guesswhatilikethemelvins on March 24, 2006, 12:22:39 PM
yes, awesome choices. and YES, definitely get Eggnog. that CD is just pure ass-rockin' fury... in a good way.

as for other albums (i assume you have all the ipecac stuff), i feel that Honky is really underrated.
also, if you don't have it, Stag is available from
i just got mine a few weeks ago. it took thema  month to get it in stock, but they eventually did.
Wow where have you been young man?????????????
May all your dreams come true!

I will not kill you, Conda, perhaps only wound you with my razor-sharp axe. SCHNAP!!!  : )   - SchnabelA

Nuancing is for homo's.  - Norecess


I picked up bootlicker earlier. Lysol hasn't arrived yet but the order's been placed so hopefully I'll be getting it anytime soon.


sure you've heard them before, right?


Nope. I've seen the video for with teeth and have heard let it all be live. Other than that I haven't heard anything. I don't want to hear it unless I own the cd.


I just got the call for Lysol. I'll be picking up that baby on monday.


Quote from: ManWithNoName on March 31, 2006, 06:21:57 PM
I just got the call for Lysol. I'll be picking up that baby on monday.
5 milligrams of Lysol stat!
May all your dreams come true!

I will not kill you, Conda, perhaps only wound you with my razor-sharp axe. SCHNAP!!!  : )   - SchnabelA

Nuancing is for homo's.  - Norecess


now i know manwith is serious, he probably lives in mooseball, saskatoon
where you actually mailorder shit and when it arrives you have a wide grin!


hahahahah nah

I live in Ottawa, I order my melvins cds through independent stores downtown. I like to support them.


ottawa no shit? my brother did a stint at Carlton, got the fuck outta there fast!
he lives in Chula Vista up in the hills with our old man now. said Hull was the
best place to party, across the river.