Missoula Montana Show

Started by roadbull, September 18, 2006, 10:21:55 PM

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My buddy and I drove 756 miles to see the show in Missoula, MT. And it was worth every mile.  We were front row center the whole show. Men Of Porn opened with one song:  SUCCULENTO. Dale did the drum work. Then Big Business came on and played alot of new stuff. Dale also played guitar for Easter Romantic and a couple others. Then The Melvins totally blew me away. I was lucky enough to get the set list.

1. The Talking Horse
2. Bloated Pope
3. Civilized Worm
4. Oven
5. Set Me Straight/OCH
6. Sky Pup
7. Let It All Be
8. Blood Witch
9. A History Of Drunk
10. Rat Faced
11. The Hawk
12. You've Never Been Right
13. A History of Bad Men
14. The Mechanical Bride
15. Revolve
16. Hooch
17. The Bit
18. Lovely Butterflies

Dog Tired


PORN opened, sweet. Who played bass?? 756 miles, now that's dedication. I looked up the venue and it looked sweet. I would have killed to have been at that show. Very  small venue, how many people were there, was it packed? Did you get to talk with Buzz and Dale?
"I actually checked to make sure I wasn't posting balls."  (IDLEHANZ)

".PS: please,  allow me to reitterate...  dale crover = super human " (GLEN)

"If the world is going to end on Saturday I might as well hold in my shit and save a few bucks on Shit-Paper." (GRIM)

ANACONDA:   All-around genuine motherfucker.

dwr budr

Yes, we drove 756 miles (Bismarck, ND to Missoula) to see this one.  As it so happened we could not make it to any of the other shows, so we thought, "what the hell."  The Other Side could not have been any better to see this show.  The atmosphere was great and the people were wonderful.  About three hundred showed up (and we were numbers 1 and 2 in line).

Came in and went straight to the merch counter counter to pick up some albums.  Talked to Moss for a bit, he called us "suckers" for comming (but with a big 'ol grin on his face).  Saw BB and Dale walking around a bit.  Didn't talk to them at all as they looked pretty busy. 

From our vantage point at the front of the stage we could see the guys hanging out back stage.  Buzz was standing there towel slapping Dale laughing his ass off...Moss came up from behind and grabbed Dale and Buzz started punching him in the belly...good stuff.

When porn came on it was Moss, Dale, and Billy Anderson performing.  Got to meet Anderson after the show (he ran sound while the Melvins were on).  Good times were had.  Wouldn't have traded it for the world.

Oh yeah, while waiting out side we could hear them warming up with POTRE...
...good on ya "B" for getting the drop on me!


What merchandise did they have?

"I can push over twelve year old girls easy." - Fart
kill yr idols
emperors wear no clothes
"We don't have alot of information right now, but for all we know monkeys might fly out of my butt"- rictus

Rev. Mike

Damn, Porn with Billy Anderson playing, that is fucking awesome!  I hope to see Porn, but never entertained the idea that Anderson would actually be on bass, hopefully he sticks around for another week at least.



"I can push over twelve year old girls easy." - Fart
kill yr idols
emperors wear no clothes
"We don't have alot of information right now, but for all we know monkeys might fly out of my butt"- rictus

The Fool

Quote from: dwr budr on September 19, 2006, 02:34:34 PM
Oh yeah, while waiting out side we could hear them warming up with POTRE...

too bad they don't drop a few songs that probably everyone has seen them play before (eg. let it all be, revolve and the bit) to make way for POTRE in the set.
since they didn't tour that album down here, i really hope if they tour for this album they play that song.
take care,
The Fool


don't wish let it all be  out of the mix!
Vinney "only takes 15 years to make good on his promises" Cavallo


Beauty is a Rare Thing - Ornette Coleman


yeah, it sounds BITHCIN live!(Let it all be)
The Melvins can play whatever they want when I see them.


any word on Altamont joining the fray yet?
"Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care." - Richie Goodtimes

Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care.


Billy wasn't even in this hemisphere when this show happened. You met someone...but it wasn't Billy.


Quote from: glen on September 25, 2006, 07:49:16 AM
any word on Altamont joining the fray yet?

From their new MySpace bulletin:

QuoteAltamont singer, guitar player/Melvins singer, drumer Dale Crover is on a long tour for Melvins. They will be the east coast this month. Therefore, Altamont has not much stuff to do besides writing new songs for right now. We might join the Melvins tour late Novenmber. Not sure!!!


Quote from: norecess on October 03, 2006, 09:07:09 AM
Quote from: glen on September 25, 2006, 07:49:16 AM
any word on Altamont joining the fray yet?

From their new MySpace bulletin:

QuoteAltamont singer, guitar player/Melvins singer, drumer Dale Crover is on a long tour for Melvins. They will be the east coast this month. Therefore, Altamont has not much stuff to do besides writing new songs for right now. We might join the Melvins tour late Novenmber. Not sure!!!
how about changing that to early november.  or novenmber if that's what suits them.
"Mess with the best, trolled like the rest." - Jacket Man.