Top 5 Melvins riffage

Started by idiotboy, January 12, 2004, 07:33:24 PM

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honeybucket - guitar riff
let it all be - drum riff - first bit
night goat - bass riff
we all love judy - guitar riff
mombius hibachi - guitar riff - first bit


"The bit" is on the top of my list, and I'd have to think what the others are...probably the whole riffing of "Instant Larry", also


yeah id put 'The Bit' is top of my list too.
i think 'Queen' has a really cool, sludgy riff. definatley a standout riff on stoner which. awsome for a slow tempo song.
that really chunky, bone crunching part of 'the fool, the meddling idiot' when it sounds like armagedden approaching.
heaps of others but these are in my mind at the moment. oh, and basically anything high distortion, palm muted, on dropped D....which is alot!


number two pencil-intro..badass
rickets :wink:

Rembrandt Pussyhorse

I could catch a monkey


the extra groovy rockin part in "in the freaktose the bugs are dying"


bass riff in little judas chongo is one of my favs, especially when buzz kicks in with it towards the end. oh ya its shoved has got to be one of the best.


oven, easy as it was, eye flies and anaconda are killer riffs, the it's shoved riffs kick many asses too :)

anyways, the melvins are the riff masters, they have loads of awesome riffs

Beto Brasil

The Bit - Guitar riff
Its Shoved - Drum
:D  :D
Trading music since 1999 :

Update :


the controlled feedback on At the Stake. How do they do that?
Also, the Wipers cover Youth of America. Very cool to see live.


Quote from: eddiethe controlled feedback on At the Stake. How do they do that?

its very eazy, my dog can do that
you just move with the "stick" on yer guitar
i dont know how its called in english, here its p



Definitely agree with the AMAZON and the fool... crunch part.

Charmicarmicat also kicks ass.

In fact now that I think about it most guitar based Melivns songs have cool riffs - I guess that's why I love them.


i don't think he's using a whammy bar on at the stake.  i think he's just pushing the string down behind the nut.


Quote from: smokeyi don't think he's using a whammy bar on at the stake.  i think he's just pushing the string down behind the nut.

damn. never thought of that. thanks smokey.