Oslo, Norway August 11, 2007

Started by GrimReaper, July 31, 2007, 02:28:15 AM

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Great, I'm gonna miss TWO Melvins concerts in one day. That means I gotta see them two other times to make up for the loss :D
i don't have a square to spare. can't spare a square.


I phoned the booking-chap at Garage Oslo to hear with him if he knew of any other places Melvins should play, before or after, if perhaps Bergen was in the picture, since Garage Bergen is the owner of Garage Oslo. But his answer was no to Bergen, and no idea about other places they would play. I guess it`s a big chance that they will do other gigs in other countries around that date, if not so very extensive.


one of my friends "bands" got ask to play this...lucky fucking bastards.
they are called cock e.s.p.


I noticed that band name and wondered what ESP meant! Red Hook extra strong bitter came to mind.

How did your bros. get involved in this festival?

Cheeseburger (the Band) is playing also.


Quote from: GrimReaper on July 31, 2007, 11:00:03 AM

I noticed that band name and wondered what ESP meant! Red Hook extra strong bitter came to mind.

How did your bros. get involved in this festival?

Cheeseburger (the Band) is playing also.

not sure how they got involved. they just promote the fuck out of themselves, and i think they just got asked by someone to do it.

Dead Cowboy

Big biz tour concludes in cali on the 5, that gives them 6 days to get their shit together, less if you count travel time.

What an awesome fucking band.


I mailed the festival and asked them if I could work as a volunteer thursday and friday even thoug they were only asking for people who could work on saturday(the day Melvins are playing), and I now am. Hooray, Melvins for free
I have brought the great ball of crystal;
            Who can lift it?
Can you enter the great acorn of light?
But the beauty is not the madness
Tho' my errors and wrecks lie about me.
And I am not a demigod,
I cannot make it cohere.



Quote from: FART LIPS on July 31, 2007, 06:27:16 AM
Quote from: mopafeena on July 31, 2007, 02:31:39 AM
Could this mean that there is a slight chance of them making it to Australia? Probally just getting my hopes up.
only if oslo, norway is located in sydney.

It is, isn't it?


Quote from: Erikkerik on July 31, 2007, 01:40:33 PM
I mailed the festival and asked them if I could work as a volunteer thursday and friday even thoug they were only asking for people who could work on saturday(the day Melvins are playing), and I now am. Hooray, Melvins for free

They sell tickets on Finn.no for saturday. Original price 525 NOK, 900-1000 NOK from the greedy salesmen. If I had the possibility to travel I wouldn`t have hesitated a second, though, Melvins is the only band I could pay a lot to see.

Regarding the Garage-gig 00:00 at night, Erik: It`s prioritized for those with festival-passes. If a voulenteer is reckonned as a festival-goer, then you`re home-free, but you should hear with the festival also if it`s ok that you leave 20:00 to reach the queue at Garage. The festival ends 22:00, and I guess it`s not unlikely that voulenteers will have to stay some time after the festival, to help with some clean-up etc. I don`t know how this is in reality, but I would definately check out how rigid it is. Garage (old So What!) has a very limited capacity, with about 300 in admittance. 

According to the chap I spoke with they will have two queues, and they will start to let people in from 21:00.

The Garage-gig doesn`t in fact have anything directly to do with the festival, it`s Garage "borrowing" Melvins from Oya-festival.

I don`t know why I have blabbered away about all of this, cause Erik is clealry a very intelligent chap, but I guess it was the father in me speaking.  :lol: Have a feast, Erik!


Shnab, just take your mother-in-law to the festival with you! Then you wont miss the Melvins show.


Quote from: GrimReaper on August 01, 2007, 02:26:47 AM

Shnab, just take your mother-in-law to the festival with you! Then you wont miss the Melvins show.

Grim, this one annoys me to pieces. My mother in laws visit, together with wifeys older brother, has been planned for months, and now they have another factor with them on the travel that will make it impossible to reschedule. Cause that was me and wifeys immediate thought, to ask them now to come on weekend later. The factor I`m talking about is a retarded man, from the "institution" where my mother in law works, who shall visit his brother in Bergen. If it hadn`t been for Per the whole thing would have been settled just fine!

Per is a wonderful man though, very fond of little rubber-balls (balls that bounces back when you throw them against a wall, is there a better word than rubber-ball?), balls that he throws up in the air, while he`s clapping his hands, or slapping his own face. You
should see his drawer, it`s full of rubber-balls, his favouritegift on birthdays, christmas-eve etc.

I forgive you Per, this time... :lol:


Melvins shall play on the festivals main-stage, a stage called Enga, with a capacity of 8.000.  The next act on Enga begins 17:25, so I guess Melvins will perform a standard festivalconcert on 50 minutes - 1 hr. It`s reason to believe that the attedance should be respectable, cause those that attend this festival is a more mature crowd than you find on many others, the program is very alternative and as I can see there is no bands, except a unknown band called Maribel (Oslo), colliding with them 16:00 - 17:00. (I`m listening to Maribel now, and it seems like they are inspired by My Bloody Valentine, sounds ok in fact)
