Toshi posted a bulletin

Started by Dead Cowboy, January 11, 2008, 05:47:55 PM

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bathroom creep

Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt.

Centripetal core of soul sojourn the field vibrates to absolution. I climb toward the sun to breathe the universal.

Have you seen the bridge?  I ain't seen the bridge!  Where's that confounded bridge?!


Quote from: glen on March 14, 2008, 08:28:48 AM
is the dude on the far left the haze XXL guy?

bUTTHOLEmAN would know.

judging by the looks of his trousers it appears as though the gentleman on the far right is extremely, EXTREMELY excited to be having his picture taken with the MELVINS and danny devito.

buzz has that i-dont-wanna-be-here stare, as always
why the hell not?


Speaking of Tosh, it's his b-day today.

bathroom creep

Oh I didn't know that.  Does anyone know how old he really is?  His myspace claims 18. 
Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt.

Centripetal core of soul sojourn the field vibrates to absolution. I climb toward the sun to breathe the universal.

Have you seen the bridge?  I ain't seen the bridge!  Where's that confounded bridge?!


Quote from: bathroom creep on March 20, 2008, 06:52:13 PM
Oh I didn't know that.  Does anyone know how old he really is?  His myspace claims 18. 
Well that's not true. He's really only 17  :wink:

bathroom creep

Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt.

Centripetal core of soul sojourn the field vibrates to absolution. I climb toward the sun to breathe the universal.

Have you seen the bridge?  I ain't seen the bridge!  Where's that confounded bridge?!


i just read that and came here. oh hells yes i am so excited.

to be honest,  i though (a) senile animal sounded a liiitle too much like big business. i won't be upset if the new album does, because i love them too, but i want more melvins sounds.

black stallion

is not connected with the thread but didn't know where post this so...
have anyone seen this melvins myspace page...i found a message  from this to the official melvins myspace page....think is unofficial  ,but is veryvery cool for the live songs...take a look!


I drank a beer with him in San Diego so he's at least 21.


Hail, not fail.
PS:  fuck him.


"Mess with the best, trolled like the rest." - Jacket Man.


Maybe he is 18. I just looked at my post from 12 December and I bought Jarod a Corrona. I did not mention Toshi but he was there. I had no clue who he was at the time to be honest with you.


"Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care." - Richie Goodtimes

Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care.


yeah, hasn't he been recording albums for them since H.A.T. or before? that was like 2002. i'm 21 now and there is no way he is younger than me. if i had to guess he's probably like jared and coady's age.


I heard he turned 47, but don't pin me on that one.