classic requests for 08 tour

Started by glen, June 24, 2008, 06:39:00 AM

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Quote from: bUTTHOLEmAN on June 24, 2008, 02:21:42 PM
I'm betting there's one or two off of the 83 melvins/walsby cd.

The Making Love demos? No way. Too complicated. Remember what Buzz said when they were asked to do Houdini? He was tahnkful they didn't ask them to do freakin' Ozma. I wished though, I wished. My vote goes to Vile Vermillion Vacancy.

Maybe a cover or somethig? Just As The Day Was Dawning.

With Teeth would be beautiful. Anything off The Maggot would be great.

We'll see.

Rev. Mike

For as much as Buzz talks up COD being one of the albums he is most proud of but that he feels the fans don't appreciate it I can see why they lean more towards song based setlists at this point.  Now if they got another opening slot for some bigger band I bet we would see some more noise sets.  Or if they added DSS on second guitar I could see some contact mic madness and POTRE material (kinda like the 2006 MPLS shows with DSS on bass, I was just listening to the Soovac set last night and it fucking kills).  Can you imagine a 2 drum, 2 guitar melvins line up?  Fucking killer.

Of course, now that Toshi is in Big Biz, Melvins could just add him on 2nd guitar.


Im hoping for some Boris, Revolve,Queen,Hooch,Night Goat or even Set me straight  8)


Manky, hands down. 

It's where this whole double drums thing started.


bathroom creep

Quote from: Joey D. on June 24, 2008, 07:57:49 AM

I wholeheartedly agree. I'm listening to this supposedly "bad song" they chopped off Houdini at the moment. It's great.
Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt.

Centripetal core of soul sojourn the field vibrates to absolution. I climb toward the sun to breathe the universal.

Have you seen the bridge?  I ain't seen the bridge!  Where's that confounded bridge?!


Now a Limo,Eye Flys,Echo Dont Piece Me,With Teeth,and Some Shit off of Hostile Ambient Takeover.

seas of luck

AMAZON!!!!  Really anything from the Kevin era.  Only hearing two songs isn't enough.  Oddly they've played more Joe Preston era songs.


June Bug, Roadbull, Skweetis, Easy As It Was, Boris would be nice.



anti-vermin seed

The Maggot (my favorite) in it's entirety

5w33t 1ntu1t10n

Sky Pup
Bar X the Rocking M
Your Blessened
Ballad of Dwight F.
*Grow Thy Beard )))((( it shall be the wild forrests of thine Kingdom and unto all shall bring great peace and prosperity throughout the land as was told the prophecy*

rhett E rock

all of Ozma, haha...seriously though...i really would like to hear the Horn Bearer (especially with this line-up).  that drum outro would be sick!  as well as Pink Bat, Black Stooges, Youth of America, yes...and Cow would be interesting.

also, the 2nd half of Let It All Be!  why do they leave it out.  you could do so much with that live.

Mount Ambulance

Yeah, they need some more noise ... I hope Buzz/Dale & co. aren't getting all "realistic"
It kinda goes against everything that is the Melvins manifesto, no? Though, I wouldn't be suprised if this tour is another fairly "straight" affair as Glen reckons ... just seems the vibe (even more so with NWB) they've been hitting as of late. Though, like I've said before ... don't discount it ... BB could totally handle the weird an' noisey ... & I'm sure Buzz'll whip it out again ... always has ... he's a perv that way. It's been 24yrs ... I don't think their going to pack it in any time soon ... there will be more fucked up noise ... well, there better be ... & why is the slide bass so sacred? Yeah, its one of a kind ... but they could still pull those tunes off ... with freaking bells on no doubt. C'mon it's the Melvins not a bunch of hacks.

As for a wish list?

1. Manky : I've said before, sayin' it again. Double drums & this tune, slower the better ...
                     You'd probably pee yourself!

2. Skin Horse (1st pt.) : see explination of #1

3. AMAZON: You'd probably pee yourself again ...

4. YOA : Did you just shit your pants!? Someone else also mentioned this tune. Sorry forgot
                whom ... suffice to say they must have a huge brain ... that's one great idea!

5. Echohead/Don't Piece Me : or mabey ... no, ... and Eye Flys & Big as a Mt. Damn! any
                                                       from the Porch.

6. Adolecent Wet Dream: Sure its a cover but at this point they kinda own it ... a classic!

7. Zodiac: Oh yes Glen Cow would be awesome ... & not just for the drums.

8. Pink Bat: You say unrealistic! I say ... Punk Rock!!

9. Anti Vermin Seed: see explination #8

10. Tipping the Lion

11. Little Judas Chongo

12. With Yo' Heart Not Yo' Hands: yeah, another cover ... they done it killer live in the
                                                                 past ... & you know anythings good w/ double drums!

13. Some other freakin' Cooper cover already guys!!! Mabey Black JU JU ... uhh not
      mabey!  Black JU JU ! God, I can't believe they havent covered this yet. Its'

Come to think of it ... I've seen most of these mentioned somewhere in this thread ... smart bunch!



Andy Wood

experimental industrial ambient nothings. give constructive/destructive criticism.

rhett E rock