Grumpy's Reviews

Started by GrimReaper, December 15, 2008, 02:28:24 PM

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Quote from: Rev. Mike on December 15, 2008, 03:24:39 PM
he had gotten drunk the night before and told the crowd at the Triple Rock that this was the first time he'd been drunk in 20 years. 

I feel partially responsible for this.     perhaps Buzz wanted to see how the other half lives.  the other have being the drunken fools he faces every night on tour.   I've been drunk at a MELVINS show before.    do the math.   

PS: those vids are bad ass.  I love coady and dale's kits facing each other.
"Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care." - Richie Goodtimes

Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care.


Oh my god I think I just fell in love with you.
TV Mind... time to wake up

Eye in Triangle

Quote from: GrimReaper on December 16, 2008, 08:06:16 AM
Thanks for the review! I can't believe the crowd didn't want an encore. ?

True that my friend. I've only been to a couple of shows, but each time the crowd would've given their eye teeth for another encore.

Randall Mario Poffo

Quote from: Eye in Triangle on December 20, 2008, 10:09:07 PM
Quote from: GrimReaper on December 16, 2008, 08:06:16 AM
Thanks for the review! I can't believe the crowd didn't want an encore. ?

True that my friend. I've only been to a couple of shows, but each time the crowd would've given their eye teeth for another encore.

yeah, hard to believe. I mean, after dale asked them if they wanted an encore and all...
I saw Dale Crover (again) and his name is God.

Rev. Mike

Quote from: staublunge on December 22, 2008, 01:22:31 AM
Quote from: Eye in Triangle on December 20, 2008, 10:09:07 PM
Quote from: GrimReaper on December 16, 2008, 08:06:16 AM
Thanks for the review! I can't believe the crowd didn't want an encore. ?

True that my friend. I've only been to a couple of shows, but each time the crowd would've given their eye teeth for another encore.

yeah, hard to believe. I mean, after dale asked them if they wanted an encore and all...

After watching the videos I see that I didn't actually hear what Dale said.  He asked if we wanted one more, then he told a joke and was done.  There never was any intention of an encore, just an attempt to confuse the audience.  At the time I was telling this guy I was talking to that there was no way they were gonna play an encore, because they don't, and Jared looked like he was on a mission when he left the stage.  The guy's girlfriend tried to argue with me that she has seen Melvins play encores plenty of times.  Out of 8 times seeing them, I have yet to see an encore, or know of any shows with an encore, aside from maybe early ones.  I can't think right now.  Bottom line, I missed Dale's joke and misunderstood what he said.  There was no real chance of an encore.

Rev. Mike

I was just reading a really poor translation of Toshi's blog and it seems that the original intent for the Grumpy's show was to have Big Business encore the Melvins show just as Melvins had encored the Big Biz show the night before, but apparently Jared did not feel well.  This would explain why he immediately and purposely left the stage after playing his last note.  Too bad.  Also, I also have it on good authority that Buzz was fucking with the crowd by proclaiming he was drunk the night before, no real surprise there, he loves to fuck with people.  And as I said earlier, it was just a rumor.  So the fact that he said he was drunk was true, but him actually being drunk was not.


Quote from: Rev. Mike on January 13, 2009, 03:39:29 PM
I was just reading a really poor translation of Toshi's blog and it seems that the original intent for the Grumpy's show was to have Big Business encore the Melvins show just as Melvins had encored the Big Biz show the night before, but apparently Jared did not feel well.  This would explain why he immediately and purposely left the stage after playing his last note.  Too bad.  Also, I also have it on good authority that Buzz was fucking with the crowd by proclaiming he was drunk the night before, no real surprise there, he loves to fuck with people.  And as I said earlier, it was just a rumor.  So the fact that he said he was drunk was true, but him actually being drunk was not.
Whats the drink he makes with a sausage in a shot of Jagermeister?

"I can push over twelve year old girls easy." - Fart
kill yr idols
emperors wear no clothes
"We don't have alot of information right now, but for all we know monkeys might fly out of my butt"- rictus


it was three shots of jager, and one vienna sausage,
Buzz  referred to it as a Triple Austria