The Bride Screamed Murder

Started by blewis, March 08, 2010, 03:43:22 PM

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blag jesus himself

i didn't even buy chicken switch. downloaded & deleted. i'm hoping to scoop it up someday used for $2, just for the artwork. same with the 2nd biafra/melvins disc.

(the) Razor

The vocals finally sound top notch again, my biggest complaint with the last two records.

This is killer.
Don't click this

Mad Arab

Quote from: MrLuck87 on May 05, 2010, 04:50:15 PM
Quote from: The 5th Horsemen on May 05, 2010, 03:30:22 PM
Quote from: The Fool on May 05, 2010, 01:39:37 AM
Quote from: The 5th Horsemen on May 04, 2010, 07:49:49 PM
Well, post a review in the album discussion. I will not download it. I will wait like a good boy should.

fuck that- it's not going to sound any different/better on 01 june.

why would you prefer to read reviews than hear it yourself anyway?
...does it really matter what anyone else thinks?!?

Because I am not a thief. So I figure whoever illegally downloads this album could at least redeem themselves a bit with some sort of review.

Plus, there should not be any links posted in here to get it illegally. Otherwise you are risking this site being taken down for doing it.

I'm approaching my 15th listen which is probably more than anyone on this board who isn't linked to The Melvins.  I plan on writing a review soon but this really isn't an easy album to review.  I think trying to explain Singles 1-12 would be an easier task.

I plan on buying this in June.  I'm still not sure if I'm going to buy it from amazon or buy it at the show.

If you want it cheaper, I'd say get it at the show. Amazon has shipping charges. Unless of course they have a sale price on the day it is released.

blag jesus himself

Quote from: The 5th Horsemen on May 05, 2010, 04:54:58 PM
Quote from: (((O))) on May 05, 2010, 04:50:37 PM
Quote from: The 5th Horsemen on May 05, 2010, 04:40:10 PM2 albums out of the rest
Make that 3. You forget Chicken Switch!  :)

To be honest I haven't heard Chicken Switch. Is it really terrible?  But 3 albums out of the many they have put out leads one to think I gotta hear the album before I buy it? Thats the point. It's a lame excuse in my opinion.

i don't think it's a try before you buy situation with most people. it's more of a 'i'm gonna buy the thing when it comes out, but i can't wait a month to hear it because i know it will be great' situation.

blag jesus himself

Quote from: Razor on May 05, 2010, 04:56:23 PM
The vocals finally sound top notch again, my biggest complaint with the last two records.

This is killer.

the vocals on water glass had me cracking up the first time i heard it. they still give a little smile, and i wonder what my co-workers think when they hear me listening to it.

blag jesus himself

on a related note: i hope nobody ever notices the drop in my productivity that happens whenever a new melvins album comes out.


Quote from: MrLuck87 on May 05, 2010, 04:50:15 PM
I'm approaching my 15th listen which is probably more than anyone on this board who isn't linked to The Melvins. 

Well good for you.

blag jesus himself

Quote from: rictus on May 05, 2010, 05:03:47 PM
Quote from: MrLuck87 on May 05, 2010, 04:50:15 PM
I'm approaching my 15th listen which is probably more than anyone on this board who isn't linked to The Melvins. 

Well good for you.

it's so tense in this thread right now. :) let's all hold hands.

Mad Arab

People can wait a friggin month. It's not that hard to do. Plus there are no guarantees for the Melvins that those who do download it claiming that mindset will follow through. There is no rationalization for it other than not having a problem with stealing. Again, my opinion. They are losing money because of this. You cannot claim that 100 percent of those who download the album will in fact buy the real thing when it comes out. We look at them as a band. But another way of looking at them is that they are a small business that wants a profit for the product they put out. But that is hampered (and I don't know by how much) by people downloading their albums illegally. They do lose a certain amount of money.



*shrugs shoulders*
"Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care." - Richie Goodtimes

Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care.

Like Stee

Quote from: The 5th Horsemen on May 05, 2010, 05:06:38 PM
People can wait a friggin month. It's not that hard to do. Plus there are no guarantees for the Melvins that those who do download it claiming that mindset will follow through. There is no rationalization for it other than not having a problem with stealing. Again, my opinion. They are losing money because of this. You cannot claim that 100 percent of those who download the album will in fact buy the real thing when it comes out. We look at them as a band. But another way of looking at them is that they are a small business that wants a profit for the product they put out. But that is hampered (and I don't know by how much) by people downloading their albums illegally. They do lose a certain amount of money.
Look out everyone, the RIA has infiltrated the Melvins board.  :(


Quote from: The 5th Horsemen on May 05, 2010, 04:57:05 PM
Amazon has shipping charges.

Not if you spend over $25.  Amazon sells so many things that it's incredibly easy to spend an extra $11.  That reminds me, the presale price is back to $14 again.  Weird.

Quote from: rictus on May 05, 2010, 05:03:47 PM
Quote from: MrLuck87 on May 05, 2010, 04:50:15 PM
I'm approaching my 15th listen which is probably more than anyone on this board who isn't linked to The Melvins.

Well good for you.

I'm not really's just the sad truth.

Quote from: The 5th Horsemen on May 05, 2010, 05:06:38 PM
People can wait a friggin month. It's not that hard to do.

People die every day.  I'll be damned if I die in a car wreck on May 31st and I spend the rest of entirety burning in hell wondering what the new Melvins album was like.

Quote from: The 5th Horsemen on May 05, 2010, 05:06:38 PM
There is no rationalization for it other than not having a problem with stealing. Again, my opinion. They are losing money because of this. You cannot claim that 100 percent of those who download the album will in fact buy the real thing when it comes out.

No but I can claim that the links will exist no matter what and that I am going to buy it.  If I went to Buzzo's house and stole the recordings then yes, that would be stealing and that's wrong.

dijk cheese

way to bring down the vibe 5th horseman or whatever lame name you choose to call yourself this week.
its 6.30am and im listening to it again afresh. love it. really into the guapo sounding bits on evil new war god.
i say i can't, but i really mean i won't.


Here is my review.  Feedback is appreciated since this is a really tough album to review.

  I may not be the best person to review a new Melvins album because I am a huge fan and love pretty much everything they have ever done, but when it comes down to it that doesn't really matter.  The new Melvins album sounds very little like anything they, or any other band, has done ever before.

  If you've listened to the clips off you may be under the impression that this a relatively straightforward rock album that sounds like a mix between their earlier efforts "The Maggot" and "A Senile Animal".  If that's the vibe you got you will be completely shocked hearing this for the first time!

  What makes "The Bride Screamed Murder" stand out more than anything is how inconceivably unpredictable it is.  One minute you'll hear a powerful riff that could easily be stretched into an entire song and then, seemingly out of nowhere, it completely changes.  This change could be as subtle as a jazzy drum solo or notes shifting around on each speaker, or it could be as drastic as having an army chant in the middle of a song.  Although this makes each song sound a little daunting at first in the long run it adds an incredible amount of depth.

  One of the best examples of how completely unpredictable this album is comes at the end of "Hospital Up".  The surprisingly thought provoking lyric "Hey remember - it won't be how you found it.  Hey forget it - it won't be what you wanted" comes up and it is almost immediately followed by what appears to be a stab at John Zorn's "goose honking New York jazz scene".  But wait, there's more!  Then THAT is immediately followed by the semi-traditional Melvins rocker "Inhumanity and Death".  Of course this song only seems normal by this albums standards.  It still makes "The Bloated Pope" and "The Smiling Cobra" seem completely normal by comparison.

  "The Bride Screamed Murder" is complex, challenging, heavy, weird, and completely unlike anything you have heard before.  But that certainly isn't a bad thing.  You'll discover new, interesting, and intriguing aspects about every song on each listen and it's extremely rewarding.  I'll be surprised if a better album comes out this year.


Quote from: Justafilthylurker on April 04, 2010, 05:35:43 AM
I always click the new post button. Your reservered posts will never be read. NEVER.

Hey! Hey!  HEY! HEY! Check page 1 of this thread!  I posted my review guy!   :lol: