atp 25-27 may 2012 curated by atp +mogwai (melvins, slayer, sleep...)

Started by norecess, November 09, 2011, 10:46:33 AM

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Quote from: oldernie on May 25, 2012, 01:08:05 AM
Quote from: Alex- on May 24, 2012, 04:28:51 PM
For the ones who want a drink or a talk with a dutchman tommorow, that hasn't really got any experience having english conversations.. I'll be wearing a grey Young Widows shirt, with a blue lined skull on it. I'm there all by myself, so I definetely wouldn't mind :)

im happy to meet up, if you spot me i look EXACTLY like my avatar pic suggests.

You should put your teeth in before any conversations take place, out of respect for Alex-.

black stallion


tinnitus photo

That was a lot of fun, even though I failed to meet up w/ any board members. Loads to say but typingt on my wife's iPad is a bit of pain so I will be brief. Highlights were seeing Yob and Sleep again, loved both their sets and seeing those guys again. Slayer was real good at what they do but it did drag on a bit for me. Maybe it was the jet lag. South of Heaven perked me up though. The Melvins gig was really fun...seems like Jared is taking on Buzzo for Afro bragging rights. The Youth of America cover was tits.

After the gig I was in the Sleep dressing room and Dale remarked on my Kilslug shirt. Rock!

Saturday and Sunday were just as fun though a completely different vibe. More later....tons of photos to go through as well.

black stallion



Spot the Boardies competition. There are at least 5 Boardies in this photo taken at ATP. Can you identify them?


Quote from: jules on May 30, 2012, 03:18:38 AM
Spot the Boardies competition. There are at least 5 Boardies in this photo taken at ATP. Can you identify them?

Well Julie, that's you with the blonde hair and the strappy top (bet it's Lunica really, you're behind the baldy fella in the foreground, Christ if this is someone on here I'm gefucked eh?).

black stallion

mm,i think that's not Lunica. the only i can identify is jules (what shirt are you wearing?)

i never seen pics of buddy holiday or Alex so i can't tell about them


tinnitus photo

i got nothing.

i didn't even realize that Jules was a woman!  :?



i got jules and alex, i think i recognise buddy holiday as well, and that one guy could be oldernie. but who's the fifth? hmm...

tinnitus photo

Quote from: Alex- on May 30, 2012, 10:19:20 AM
Quote from: tinnitus photo on May 30, 2012, 10:16:24 AM
i got nothing.

i didn't even realize that Jules was a woman!  :?

You should be ashamed!

i am!  :oops:

should have done the group meet up


i am in that photo and even i cant spot 5 boredies, unless we are including people from amrep bored too.
oh and boredmembers wifes.
and no im not the guy people have guessed at, i look exactly like my avatar, surely that should be easy.
"To be honest i've kind of gone off the band a bit now. I just like to hang out on here because of everyone else."
-jules from brighton quoting - Ian from Staffs.


maybe this picture will make things easier. im the one in the "oldernie" t shirt.
"To be honest i've kind of gone off the band a bit now. I just like to hang out on here because of everyone else."
-jules from brighton quoting - Ian from Staffs.

black stallion

i can see you oldernie.. the blonde girl someone gf?just out of curiosity,if so congrats she looks pretty