Started by Stonergrunge, November 12, 2020, 11:24:09 PM

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cartoons, chocolate milk & rock 'n' roll!!
Fuzz is love.
Foot fetishism means love, because, it's the magic of feet odor... Long live depravation.


I Fuck Around 02:21
Negative No No
Bouncing Rick 03:39
Caddy Daddy
1 Brian, The Horse-Faced Goon
1 Brian, The Horse-Faced Goon
Boy Mike
1 Fuck You
Fuck You
The Great Good Place
Hot Fish
Good Night Sweetheart

That's straight from the BC site.

Looks like we know "Hot Fish" from the Flipper CD, all four tracks from the Mullet EP, and Good Night Sweetheart is a cover.

Super weird that two track titles repeat.

The title is freaking me out a bit. I hope it's an inside joke or something.

I like the art. It's big. I should be an art critic.



Finally first album in 3 years glad they're back but not sure about those song titles lol

buddy holiday

thank you stoner for the headsup.

custard vinyl still available from the euro store:

also preorder for HAT and Gluey!

black stallion

had Bouncing Rick leaked yet, this song sounds familiar  :-k

EDIT: ok, extract from Mullet EP  #-o


Dillard's beard makes him unrecognizable.

Sounds great!

Blixt still has custard/poster.


I wish they would just put out a parody album to get that crap out of their system.


I wonder if the repeat song titles could be in the same vein as The Maggot. Also could "Fuck You" be a Subhumans cover?

Either way? STOKED. Hi-Ho Silver Vinyl, Away!


AWESOME!!!! I really quite like the cover art. Not what i was expecting either. Same goes for that album title too! God/Dog is a nice touch. Anyone else pick up on the fact that 'Hund' is German for dog?

Quote from: amazonAMAZON on November 12, 2020, 11:41:42 PM
Looks like we know "Hot Fish" from the Flipper CD
I'd imagine this one is a re-do of it. Since the Flipper one had those guys and Trevor on the recording.

Quote from: CoryCory on November 13, 2020, 04:58:59 AM
I wonder if the repeat song titles could be in the same vein as The Maggot.
Makes me wonder if this time the repeats are actually just two versions of the same song but done in totally different ways. I think that could be pretty cool.


A special mention for the description on the video above.

The album bring back together the 1983 lineup of Buzz & Dale with Mike Dillard. "I Fuck Around" is the band's homage to the Beach Boys, along with "Bouncing Rick". The release will be on CD, Digital and three different vinyl variants includes standard Black as well as limited-edition Silver (2000 worldwide) and Custard (500 worldwide).

This album is a treat!

It's loaded with all kinds of interesting songs.
I've said this before and I'll say it again, listening to the Melvins is like taking a drug trip while watching a movie about someone on a drug trip.
This new record is no different.

Thank the maker that King Buzzo and Dale haven't burnt the bridge with Mike Dillard because if they had we wouldn't have the Working With God album at all.

That would suck.

Working With God could be considered a little more focused than the last Melvins' 1983 album, Tres Cabrones, but that's debatable.

This album was recorded in two sessions because drummer Dillard has a boring straight job in his home town of Montesano, Washington. He used to have a job making tooth picks out of logs but he got shit canned for showing up to work drunk one too many times. At his new job as a union machinist they don't care how fucked up he gets as long as he does a reasonably good job.

Union jobs....
Must be nice asshole.


King Buzzo and Dale live in Los Angeles and Dillard lives in Washington state so it makes it a little tough to record and damn near impossible to tour, so they do what they can.

A few years ago they wanted to bring Dillard along on a Melvins tour of Australia so Melvins 1983 could open up on the regular Melvins shows. When asked, Dillard stopped that nonsense with a flat no. When asked why he said no he said he had no time for ridiculousness but MAYBE he'd consider it at some point down the road once he'd built up enough paid vacation time.

Working With God is a damn good record.
It's the album bands like Green Day and Metallica wish they could put out if they only had the guts.
Foo Fighters maybe but probably not.
Once again, no guts...

It takes true grit and real lower middle class tenacity to take on making a record like Working With God.
It's the no bullshit approach that turns people on.
At this point everyone's sick of everything so Working With God makes perfect sense.


the bloat

Nabbed a silver copy. Bummed that I slept on it and didn't buy the custard for 1. Dollar. More. Last night when I had a chance.

Looking forward to another round of Melvins 83. The opening track seems like a joke, but I'll bet they actually put a lot work into it. Same with a lot of their "joke" songs from the last 1983. They're pretty intricate if you take a close listen


Bouncing Rick, that gives me Lustmord-vibes, brilliant!
"DM is a real american hero." (Keith aka Fart Lips 27.09.2023)