Singles 1-12

Started by Dan_Gerous, October 02, 2003, 08:31:08 AM

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What does everyone think of this album (Amphetamine Reptile).
It's really grown on me.  THere's alot of cool stuff on it, I think.


i made a cassette of it for my old car and listened to it a good amount. 1/3 of it aren't really songs, just noise. disc 1 is good/disc 2 is lousy after the first four tracks (omitting HDYF)

Reverend Ebeneezer

Funny you should mention this release as I only just picked it up yesterday. I've only listened to the first CD thus far but have fallen in love with the versions of 'Leech', 'Queen' and 'It's Shoved'. I've had Lexicon Devil kicking around for a while now but that's cool too. I do like the compilation but I had to shell out
Don't cut me!DON'T CUT ME!
-Thrones, Simon Legree live...


It would have been cool to get each single in the mail and enjoy them in the format they were originally intended. I like getting stuff in the mail.

But I missed out. So Singles 1-12 is the next best thing.

If you take Singles 1-12 for what it is, a documentation of the monthly AM Rep Melvins 45 releases, a stroke of marketing genius if you ask me, you accept the music as is.

Disc 1 starts out with Lexicon Devil. A Germs cover from a tribute album that you don't have to buy. This song in itself is worth the price of the C/D. Once I heard Lexicon Devil I made up my mind that no matter what else the other songs sounded like I was happy.

Pigtro, Spred Eagle, Queen (Special Mix) are all B-sides. The Queen Special Mix is especially annoying. I have been asked many times if my speakers are fucked up when that song plays.

Theme is also a "B" side but this is brilliant! better than the Flipper cover on the "A" side.

GGIIBBY was "chopped off Houdini" for being "bad". I totally disagree with the Melvins, the song is awesome.

Theresa Screams I just skip over every time now.

Disc II has a lot of Melvins experimental stuff, the singles idea is a perfect format for this stuff. Yeah it dosen't translate that well to C/D, but that's the order it was released in the mail.

Jacksonville and Dallas are fucken clasics. I would have loved to be there. Imagine the huge balls Buzz has to stand in front of a hostile crowd and tell them all to fuck off. I always wonder how the songs were created. They had to have been planned in advance, on hold so to speak for the right group of ass-holes in the crowd.

The Bloat demo is a beutiful rendition of of one of my all time favorites.

Fast Forward is supposedly just "Buzz and Dale playing with a cassette recorder", but I love this bit of noise when my mind is altered or i'm driving on a smooth stretch of highway. It would have fit in nicely on the Stag release.

I agree with Cooter, HDYF is an incredible piece of Melvins noise from 1996. But what the fuck does HDYF mean? That bugs me. Maybe it's Buzz proclaiming his love for  American motocycles? or How Do You Feel?

How-++- and Henry Lauders Walking Stick Tree together was just an all-round bad idea, it should have been a "B" side and the outstanding cover of Brutal Truth singing Zodiac should have been the top billing on the "A" side.

All this and a scull on the cover.


Quote from: GrimReaperThe Queen Special Mix is especially annoying. I have been asked many times if my speakers are fucked up when that song plays.

Theme is also a "B" side but this is brilliant! better than the Flipper cover on the "A" side.

GGIIBBY was "chopped off Houdini" for being "bad". I totally disagree with the Melvins, the song is awesome.

Theresa Screams I just skip over every time now.

I agree with Cooter, HDYF is an incredible piece of Melvins noise from 1996. But what the fuck does HDYF mean? That bugs me. Maybe it's Buzz proclaiming his love for  American motocycles? or How Do You Feel?

All this and a scull on the cover.

Queen Mix--heh heh, imagine how the A&R guys felt!

Theme--Yeah, i'm waiting for my copy of Tanks 7"/My buddy really gets into Way of the World and he listens to rap!

GIBBY--kinda has a Going Blind feel to me...

Theresa--some of the comments are pretty funny! (felix the cat)

HDYF--ah man, i was listening to this and playing goldeneye (first level) and it synched up perfectly!

the cover--goes well with the old english font.


Were the versions of How-++- and Henry Lauders Walking Stick Tree the same ones that were on Honkey?  Or were they different recordings of those songs that they put on singles 1-12?

I haven't really heard much of singles 1-12, but that song Specimen is awesome


Quote from: GrimReaperI agree with Cooter, HDYF is an incredible piece of Melvins noise from 1996. But what the fuck does HDYF mean? That bugs me. Maybe it's Buzz proclaiming his love for  American motocycles? or How Do You Feel?

How Do You Feel. It's actually a Love cover written by Arthur Lee. I think they recorded it with Sean Lennon. They recorded one more song with him and Yoko Ono but it was never released. And this is no joke!!


A piece from the above article:

He often uses dropped-D tuning to get a heavier, Sabbath-like sound [see July's Soundgarden feature for Kim Thayil's testimonial to Buzz's dropped-D influence] and isn't afraid to experiment with alternate tunings in the studio.

And another piece (from this site) explaining the one above:

GW: Even though they


Singles has its ups and downs. "Jacksonville" and "Theresa Screams" make me laugh my fucking ass off ("When I'm in Hollywood..." or whatever) "Specimen", "Lexicon Devil" rock like crazy. But "GGIIBBYY"!?
That is a peice of shit to a peice of shit! That is the most boring, medicore, uninspiried song I'v ever heard out the Melvins! So sub-par! What the hell is a GGIIBBYY anyway? Can't be anything good.


Quote from: AnonymousWhat the hell is a GGIIBBYY anyway? Can't be anything good.

Isn't the singer from the Butthole Surfers named Gibby?

The Chalupa

Quote from: cooter
Quote from: AnonymousWhat the hell is a GGIIBBYY anyway? Can't be anything good.

Isn't the singer from the Butthole Surfers named Gibby?
Gibby Haynes


I noticed Singles 1-12 is like 11.79 on  Is that worth buying?



there's good tracks on there too...