How you knew The Melvins?

Started by Beto Brasil, October 15, 2003, 11:50:04 AM

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i'm pretty sure i saw honeybucket on beavis and butthead. that means i like it.


Quote from: poyyukwhat made me listen to them was nirvana, but i loved them because they were so damn good not cause kurt liked them.


The first time I heard of them was on the Much Music Loud show.  It was pretty sweet.  It was right after Stag came out (1996), and they were showing some Melvins videos like "Bar X" and "Honey Bucket."  When Bar X played, that song was unlike anything I've ever heard before.  I was immediately hooked.  Buzz and Mark D were being interviewed too, and Buzz said something like "Stag will be a hit if we sell 50,000 copies".  Given the tone of his voice, he sounded like he knew that Atlantic was unfortunately gonna drop them soon.

Damn, I should have taped it.


heard about the melvins from Nirvana (of course...).  bought ozma / gluey porch treatments while I was in the states about 8 years ago when I was 17 (I'm Israeli btw). didn't like it at first, thought it all sounded the same. gave it a few more chances and really got into it. Every time I listened to it I loved it more. I think I listened to that cd every day for about 6 months. since then I got hooked and bought almost all their stuff (still missing a couple).

The Chalupa

I remember hearing about the Melvins many years ago, but reading "Come As You Are" sparked my interest in actually getting around to listening to them.


Quote from: The ChalupaI remember hearing about the Melvins many years ago, but reading "Come As You Are" sparked my interest in actually getting around to listening to them.

Exactly! I'd seen their solo albums in stores and heard them on Beavis and Butthead, but i guess when your younger you go for the more popular bands, and when the scene died out I'd find out about other great music that is BETTER than the popular stuff, maybe because so few people know about them! :D


Man are you people young!  I was in about 9th grade (1990), when I was introduced to the " underground " music scene through skateboarding.  I saw the Melvins t-shirts and albums for sale in Sessions catalogs, and based on the artwork, figured they sounded like the Pixies.  I was in a record store , and bought a copy of 10 songs just to check it out.  I had heard everything from Ministry to Carcass, and always complained "they just aren't heavey enough".  The Melvins were heavey enough.  Since then the Melvins have gone all over the musical spectrum, and of all the bands, they still are fresh and original, and still my favorite.  I saw Melvins with Reverend Horton Heat and White Zombie in probably '94, and with Tool in '96.  Remember people, It's all about the music, no more, no less.


Buzz is in the Primus video for "DMV" for a few seconds.  I just picked up the new Primus CD/DVD set (which rules by the way), and Les Claypool comments about it briefly in the commentary track.


I remember hanging out with an old buddy and a friend who was a drummer that I was jamming with sometime back in 94 when I heard Houdini for the first time.   Needless to say - I fell in love with Buzzos guitar playing.  

Stoner Witch is the album that hooked me to their sound though!


I heard that "Sweet Willy Rollbar" was actually played in the background in one of the old Jackass episodes (from the first season).

I was pretty surprised.  Someone in the production for Jackass must have really liked the Melvins!


YES! sweet willy rollbar was on jackass. i saw it a few times.  i think Bam is toboganing down a big grass hill as it chugs along in the background.  i was half asleep when i saw it for the first time.  i heard a noise that sounded familiar to me, and when i tuned my ears in i realized it was something from stoner witch, but i didn't know what.  when the song ended i expected to hear the first few riffs of revolve, you know the way albums melt together like that in the noggin.   :arrow:


Got houdini in 1993  because Kurt was raving about them in an interview. I hated the album first time I played it. Wrote graffiti all over the cover art and hid it away from view. Found it a couple of weeks later and played it again and got hooked. (sounds like heroin addiction)

Been loving *Buzzo* ever since.



cranky messiah

i had always heard them mentioned by bands, and i always saw their name in random places whenever they were discussing sludge metal or anything like that. plus, i always saw The Bootlicker in cd stores, that weird cover with the fish. but i had never heard them, so they took on an aura of mystique in my mind; i was always very curious, but had never been exposed. so, one day, i finally just bought gluey porch treatments. that was that

joe preston

I was getting a sloppy blowjob in a dark alley in San Fran, anyways when the guy finishes chomping my sausage, he spits out my man seed and says by the way I play guitar in a band called the Melvins. I've been a fan ever since. I bought Buzz his first dress even.

damn im stoned

i was reading an interview with jimmy bower from eyehategod and he said he hopes his music turns some people on to stuff like the melvins.  needless to say it was eyehategod that did it for me.  and bullhead and glueyporch..