How you knew The Melvins?

Started by Beto Brasil, October 15, 2003, 11:50:04 AM

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yeah, im klumps playing hole  :lol:
i don't have a square to spare. can't spare a square.

adolescent child

<nirvana - Came as you are ... :D


A friend of mine asked me if I wanted to hear the crunchiest guitar ever. He played "Queen" and changed me permanently.


I was really big into tool in 8th and 9th grade, and King Buzzo did alot with them. So I downloaded some music by them, Teet, Magic Pig Detective and Honey Bucket.

I got hooked on honey bucket and went out and bought the first melvins album i could find, Collosus of Destiny. Yeah, needless to say I wasn't too pleased with an album of noise, but I orderer Houdini off of the net and it was sub par. Honey Bucket and Night Goat were the only songs i liked on there.

But Honey Bucket was so awesome that i just kept to it, and I bought Ozma and Stag at my local 'local record store'. Yeah. I wasn't a huge stag fan, but Ozma kicked my ass like nothing else before. Just amazing. Then i bought all of their other shit and stuck to them.

Oh yeah, the weird thing is, I never knew there was a Melvins/Nirvana connection beyond the fact I liked both bands. It was only later i learned, and told countless Nirvana fans, that King Buzzo taight kurt cobain how to shoot up.
Van Hagar


Oh yeah, here's a vintage NFC post of mine

QuoteMessage #1 posted by turnacus on 07-12-2001 (22:46)

Hey everyone. I gotta say, my two favorite bands are Nirvana and Tool. Now, I'm looking for another band that's good. Alot of people are telling me that the Melvins are a good band. What are they like? I've downloaded Honey Bucket, which is really, heavy, and Divorced, which is sludgy and whathaveyou. Anyone wanna tell me more about Melvins, or, like, what a good album from them is. Thanks.

I do remember downloading divorced now. Haha, sludgy my ass.
Van Hagar

garbage bag

what the hell is going on here, so many people like the melvins.... fuck!
now their gonna be a mainstream band for everyone to listen to.

Reverend Ebeneezer

Quote from: garbage bagwhat the hell is going on here, so many people like the melvins.... fuck!
now their gonna be a mainstream band for everyone to listen to.

Shock! Horror! Oh, the humanity!

I can only hope you're being sarcastic. If not: you, sir, are simply as sad as those straightedge fucks who knock drinks out of people's hands...
Don't cut me!DON'T CUT ME!
-Thrones, Simon Legree live...

garbage bag

Quote from: Reverend Ebeneezer
Quote from: garbage bagwhat the hell is going on here, so many people like the melvins.... fuck!
now their gonna be a mainstream band for everyone to listen to.

Shock! Horror! Oh, the humanity!

I can only hope you're being sarcastic. If not: you, sir, are simply as sad as those straightedge fucks who knock drinks out of people's hands...
my name is garbage bag for fuck sakes, what do you expect from me?


Quote from: cooterIn 1998, when reading the "Come as you are" book about Kurt Cobain.
It said The Melvins were the seminal grunge band. I just had to hear them for myself.

me too!

through this book, i discovered also the Butthole Surfers and others...

three years ago, i watched a german tv, and there was an Fantomas show.... i was fascinated, but i didnt understand it..... and there was an interview with them, and i saw some strange guy with an afro.... who looked very freaky...... i had no idea it was buzzo - cause i herd about melvins, i knew they must be good but i didnt herd them....

and when i found out that it was KING BUZZO from THE MELVINS... it blew my mind


Quotethree years ago, i watched a german tv

Yeah! That TV Station was "VIVA II" the best music television ever. It died nearly 2 Years ago and left only some shitty MainstreamStations in german TV. I'm still sad about that, I never had such an emotional connection to any other TV-thingy.

yeknod ykoops

i DIDN'T find out about them through nirvana. (god DAMN that felt good).

anyway, i was on a plane reading that rock rag Revolver (i only picked it up cause i needed crap to keep me occupied) and there was a review for HAT in there. i don't remember what they said or what rating they gave it, but i got the impression that they were punk (as in black flag, dead kennedys, etc) and i'm not into that stuff at all so needless to say i didn't check them out. a few months later i met this dude and he kept going on about how i look like "king buzzo from the melvins" cause my hair is big or something retarded like that, and i thought it was kinda funny, so i asked him what they sounded like and he said "ultra heavy sludge" or something, so i downloaded the maggot just for the hell of it, and loved it. i now own most of their albums, and love them all.


Quote from: Greenmushroom
Quotethree years ago, i watched a german tv

Yeah! That TV Station was "VIVA II" the best music television ever. It died nearly 2 Years ago and left only some shitty MainstreamStations in german TV. I'm still sad about that, I never had such an emotional connection to any other TV-thingy.

yeah baby! VIVA ZWEI!

it was so motafokin cool.... so many great bands...... i also discovered Tool on Viva zwei....

.... culture


Quote from: turnacusI was really big into tool in 8th and 9th grade, and King Buzzo did alot with them. So I downloaded some music by them, Teet, Magic Pig Detective and Honey Bucket.

I got hooked on honey bucket and went out and bought the first melvins album i could find, Collosus of Destiny. Yeah, needless to say I wasn't too pleased with an album of noise, but I orderer Houdini off of the net and it was sub par. Honey Bucket and Night Goat were the only songs i liked on there.

But Honey Bucket was so awesome that i just kept to it, and I bought Ozma and Stag at my local 'local record store'. Yeah. I wasn't a huge stag fan, but Ozma kicked my ass like nothing else before. Just amazing. Then i bought all of their other shit and stuck to them.

Oh yeah, the weird thing is, I never knew there was a Melvins/Nirvana connection beyond the fact I liked both bands. It was only later i learned, and told countless Nirvana fans, that King Buzzo taight kurt cobain how to shoot up.

I thought that Buzz was never big into heroin? :?


Me neither, I think you maybe got guitar-playing and heroin-shooting mixed up there...
Anyway, how I first became aware of the Melvins... it's unclear, yet I do remember reading about them when "Prick" came out in such places as Kerrang! and hearing other random stuff elsewhere which really caught my interest in them - they sounded like my kind of people!
The first time I remember actually hearing them is when the "Hooch" video was on Beavis & Butt-Head in about 1993, when I was 12 - I took a big shine to it and felt eager to hear and learn  more about this interesting and unique band. Then I saw the video for "Queen" on a late night tv rock show a while later which I videotaped and watched nearly every day for a long time, until I finally got around to buying "Stoner Witch" on CD when I was 16. That record gave me the kind of music I could relate to in ways no others had before. Next I think I got "Lysol", followed by "Stag", "Honky", "Singles 1-12", etc, etc.  
I finally got to see them this year in July on the Geek tour, then in November for the first film-soundtrack show over here in Britain, where I met Kevin briefly before the most intense show I've ever seen!